Next-Gen Police Car : How this car Changing the Face of Criminal Detection and Criminal Surveillance

Criminal Surveillance police car
Criminal Surveillance police car

Dubai : Dubai, a city synonymous with innovation and futuristic technology, has taken another leap towards revolutionizing its law enforcement capabilities. A self-driving patrol car, equipped with groundbreaking technology, was recently unveiled at the GTEX Global 2023 event at the Dubai World Trade Centre. This remarkable vehicle is designed not just to patrol residential areas but also to pinpoint and report criminal activity. Here’s everything you need to know about this game-changing development in criminal surveillance.

The Car’s Unique Features: Beyond Ordinary Surveillance

The most extraordinary feature of this cutting-edge patrol car is its ability to send a complete horoscope of detected criminals to the police. This is a level of detail far surpassing conventional surveillance methods. The car is equipped with 360-degree cameras, capable of capturing every angle in the vicinity. Any criminals within these cameras’ range cannot escape detection, making this vehicle a formidable foe for wrongdoers.

Operational Capabilities: A Self-Sufficient Sentinel

The car operates on a 15-hour battery life and is equipped with an onboard drone, as stated by Lieutenant Rashid bin Haider of the Dubai Police. This drone can reach areas that are inaccessible to vehicles and maintains direct wireless communication with the patrol car. The car itself can move in any direction, thanks to its advanced steering, braking, and throttle systems.

Silent but Effective: Stealth and Communication

Farid Al Jawahri, a spokesperson for Micropolis Robotics, the company behind the car’s design, emphasized its silence. The car operates so quietly that it’s almost inaudible, offering a stealth advantage. In case of any criminal detection, the car can establish direct communication with the command and control department in the operations department of Dubai Police.

The Road Ahead: Future Prospects

Currently, the car is still in its testing phase, with expectations that it will be deployed on the streets of Dubai next year. The unveiling and subsequent deployment of this state-of-the-art vehicle will undoubtedly reinforce Dubai’s reputation as a city at the forefront of technological innovation, particularly in enhancing security and surveillance in residential areas.

Conclusion: A Milestone in Crime Prevention

This innovative patrol car marks a milestone in the use of technology for crime prevention and surveillance. Its capabilities extend far beyond mere patrolling, providing an all-encompassing solution for criminal detection and reporting. As it undergoes further testing, its future deployment will surely set a new standard in law enforcement, not just in Dubai but potentially around the world.


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