Poets, Artists unplugged

Poets, Artists unpluggedINVC NEWS

New Delhi,
Colours of Refuge is the third anthology by ‘Poets, Artists Unplugged, a diverse and dynamic poetry group on Facebook that comprises of writers from all over the globe, sharing a common penchant and vibe called ‘expression’ through poetry, prose, art and/or photography.

In synch with the mission of the group Poets, Artists Unplugged to offer the medium of poetry and arts for uplifting the human spirit against the violent world of today, displaced and homeless refugees are among the most in need of shelter. This germinated the idea of looking beyond conflict zones and the suffering to the myriad shades of refuge and we decided that we must contribute to the cause of refuge. An open submission call was given for works that employ the aesthetics of poetry, short stories, art and photographs to attempt mitigating human hardships and offer healings to the suffering.

Colours of Refuge was born as a bi-lingual (Hindi & English) International Anthology featuring Poems, Short Stories, Nano Fiction(55ers), Art and Photographs of budding and established poets, writers,  artists  and photographers from all over the world coming together for this noble cause of demanding refuge for all humans irrespective of regional borders, races, genders, faiths and also age.

Colours of Refuge offers a rare kaleidoscope of hope in the form of upholding the basic human dignity of refuge. This is the third anthology of Poets, Artists Unplugged, the first was “Resonating String” compiled from open public and dedicated to Women, and the second was “Resonance” exclusively for Group members. All poems, artworks and photographs in this anthology have been meticulously selected to array the colours of refuge.

This anthology is testimony to the fact that not only has social media opened up new vistas for both budding and seasoned poets and artists, it also offers great reassurance that even in this hectic selfish modern age high-tech living, Poets, Writers, Artists, Photographers and even the publisher can join hands for an altruist cause.

The anthology features works of some celebrated masters such as Jayanta Mahapatra, the Grandfather of Indian English Poetry and Padamshree Raghu Rai, the doyen of photography, Naseer Ahmed Nasir, Pakistan and Farhat Shahzad, Pakistan-USA, both acclaimed Urdu poets. Poets, Artists Unplugged is also proud to have many seasoned poets and artists from all over the world contributing to their cause. Moreover, in line with the mission of promoting new poets and artists, Colours of Refuge also features fourteen new poets and some artists whose works had not been published in print before.

Poets, Artists Unplugged endeavours to launch not just a book but a positive response and embrace on the subject of refugees. The Chief Editor Lt. Col. Shyam Sunder Sharma, Shaurya Chakra (Retd) wanted to focus on evoking the element of hope and development amidst its grim realities to offer reassurance and a sense of ‘home’ for those having suffered exoduses.

The Editors Dr. Reena Singh (Hindi), Sheikha A. (English), Sakina Shikari (Visual Arts) along with the help of the co-editors Shivali Dhaka (Hindi) and Dr. Evelyn R. Gaikwad (English) followed through by ensuring that the primary focus reflected in the book, overall, consisting of insightful contributions by both established and emerging writers/artists from different countries, cultures, ethnicities and language backgrounds.

The anthology is set to launch on 28 Jan 2016 in Delhi at Civil Services Officers Institute. The event includes an art and photo exhibition and Open Mic Poetry on the same theme and book launch, it shall be held from 330 to 630PM.

The event will be graced by luminaries such as Padamshree Raghu Rai, the doyen of photography as Chief Guest,  the Guests of Honour  are Mr William Tall, are UNHCR Chief of Mission in India and Maladies, celebrated Urdu poet and lyricist Farhat Shahzad and renown Hindi poets Dr Kunwar Bechain  and Dr Seeta Rathore “Sagar”.


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