PM Modi’s Business Diplomacy: Bridging Muslim Nations through Economic Strength


Karachi : The  Pakistani origin political expert and businessman Sajid Tarar has commented on India’s inroads between two Muslim countries within a single week. He has said that India’s biggest weapon is its skill in the technical field. India’s biggest weapon is IIT and IIM. Because of this Indians have conquered the whole world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Qatar and UAE also assumes significance because the temple is being inaugurated in a Muslim country and on the other hand, Qatar has recently released eight jailed former Navy sailors.

India’s Technological Supremacy: A Global Game-Changer

Tarar lauded India’s formidable arsenal in the realm of technology, citing the country’s prowess in the IT and management sectors, epitomized by its premier institutions such as the IITs and IIMs. He emphasized how Indians have conquered global markets, attributing this success to India’s technological prowess.

Significance of PM Modi’s Visits to Qatar and UAE

Prime Minister Modi’s recent visits to Qatar and the UAE hold paramount importance. The inauguration of a temple in a Muslim-majority nation and Qatar’s release of eight Indian Navy personnel, formerly imprisoned, underscore the diplomatic victories achieved by India.

Trade Dynamics and Diplomatic Maneuvers

Tarar’s astute observations shed light on the intricate dance of trade and diplomacy between India, Qatar, and the UAE. He delves into the release of the Indian Navy personnel by Qatar, positing that trade dynamics played a pivotal role in this gesture.

India’s Growing Influence: A Global Perspective

India’s burgeoning influence on the global stage, particularly in the corridors of power in Washington D.C., has not escaped Tarar’s keen eye. He points to the burgeoning Indian lobby, arguably second only to the Jewish lobby in the United States, as evidence of India’s rising clout.

Strategic Partnerships and Economic Deals

The trade deal between India and Qatar, marked by the release of the Navy personnel and India’s emergence as the world’s third-largest importer of oil, highlights the strategic partnership between the two nations. Tarar underscores the significance of this deal, projecting India’s sustained economic growth and diplomatic prowess.

Challenges and Resolutions: Navigating Diplomatic Waters

While the release of the Navy personnel by Qatar raises questions, Tarar posits that trade dynamics and diplomatic maneuvers likely played a decisive role. Despite uncertainties surrounding their release, the broader trade agreements between India, Qatar, and the UAE signal a deepening of economic ties and strategic cooperation.

The Role of PM Modi: A Visionary Leader

Prime Minister Modi’s astute leadership and proactive approach to diplomacy have been instrumental in fostering closer ties with Muslim-majority nations. His vision of leveraging India’s economic strength to bolster diplomatic relations has borne fruit, with tangible outcomes evident in recent bilateral engagements.

Conclusion: India’s Diplomatic Triumph

In conclusion, Prime Minister Modi’s adept handling of diplomatic relations, coupled with India’s burgeoning economic prowess, has positioned the nation as a key player on the global stage. The strategic partnerships forged with Muslim-majority nations underscore India’s commitment to fostering peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and beyond.


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