Pearl Academy introduces two new courses



Pearl Academy, India’s leading institution in design, fashion, business and media, has introduced two new courses, Media & Communication and Advertising & Marketing, from the academic year beginning July 2018.

Growing technology and innovation is transforming the media landscape. Virtual and augmented reality is making its way into media and entertainment industry offering entirely new set of opportunities and growth; advertising is getting smarter than ever before. These emerging trends and rapidly advancing digitization are impacting the lives of each and every individual globally. Market size for media and entertainment is expected to grow by a staggering US$ 33.9 billion by 2020 and digital advertising is likely to see a growth of US$ 49 billion by 2021. Acknowledging these changes, Pearl Academy is offering specialized programs in journalism and entertainment with the aim to prepare young graduates to be successful in hyper-competitive marketplace, using new-age media skills.

Both new courses are of three years’ duration. Students will also have the option of a full credit transfer in the final year to Bachelor’s degree at Torrens University, Australia. The courses, designed with future practices in mind, will prepare students for the fast-evolving media and business landscapes.

Ujjwal K Chowdhury, Head, School of Media, said: “Media, Communication and Entertainment domain with a total turnover of around 1.5 lacs crores and engaging nearly a million people directly, according to FICCI Frames annual report of 2017, has been growing at a higher rate than that of GDP of India. The estimates are that this shall be a 50 billion dollar industry engaging nearly 1.8 million skilled people by 2023 and this will need an immense investment in digitally skilled manpower going ahead. The media, entertainment and advertising courses of Pearl, both at 3 years under graduate and two years post graduate level, look at this mission media talent. With professional diploma coupled with Indian degree and a possibility of a global degree going to Australia in the final year, Pearl has the most cutting edge education suitable for the era of Media convergence.”


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