Online education a boon for students during pandemic

– Syed Masood – 

As well all know that after national lockdown online education has become popular and marked a turning point in the education system. It has solved the problem of students as well as institutions to pursue their further studies and complete their syllabus which seems difficult due to COVID-19 & national lockdown. Owing to the online classes maximum students are receiving education at several times lesser cost within their residence. There was a time when online learning was never considered adequate. During the time of pandemic,  it is considered as a boon for the education sector. And we are hopeful that the things will get normal in a couple of months and students will be back in their classroom.

Due to coronavirus the students don’t have to reach their college in a certain time and during this time these classes are considered as the most flexible way of learning. Students can log in through their computer anytime and anywhere and begin learning. Besides, these classes allow a student to learn quickly. There are too many options that allow a student  to explore and is considered a diverse form of learning. Many students are taking  online classes these days


After lockdown the teachers  are innovating and creating engaging content to educate their students. With the help of latest technologies, social media and advanced softwares, the course content can be integrated more engaging. Class can be started within 30 seconds of switching on your desktop or laptop. Students can  sit within the comforts of their room in favorite pyajamas with a cup of hot chocolate in your hand while attending classes online.



About the Author

Syed Masood

Author & Consultant


Syed Masood, Managing Director Heritage Institute of Management and Communication (HIMCOM) New Delhi)


Disclaimer : The views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely her / his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC NEWS.  


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