Nokia Layoffs : Nokia to Cut 16% of Global Workforce

Nokia Layoffs latest news
Nokia Layoffs latest news

Bangalore : Nokia Layoffs , the Finnish telecommunications equipment manufacturer, is set to cut 14,000 jobs globally, aiming to enhance operational efficiency and reduce costs following a decline in third-quarter sales and profits. Discover the company’s strategy and the reasons behind this major decision.


In a significant move, Nokia, the renowned Finnish telecommunications equipment maker, has unveiled plans to reduce its global workforce by a staggering 14,000 employees, amounting to approximately 16 percent of its total workforce. This strategic decision comes in response to the challenges faced by the company, including a drop in third-quarter sales and profits, and the need to adapt to the current market dynamics. Let’s delve into the details of this restructuring effort and its implications.


Adapting to Market Uncertainty

Nokia’s decision to trim its workforce is driven by the imperative need to adapt to the evolving market conditions. With the company operating on a January–December financial year schedule, it has recognized the urgency to address the challenges posed by the current market uncertainty.

Ambitious Cost Reduction Targets

To achieve its objectives, Nokia aims to reduce its cost base significantly. The company’s target is to trim costs by an impressive 800 million to 1.2 billion euros by the end of 2026. This ambitious cost-cutting initiative is expected to streamline operations and enhance competitiveness.

Workforce Reduction Impact

As a consequence of these actions, the number of Nokia employees will dwindle from the current 86,000 to a range of 72,000 to 77,000. This substantial reduction reflects the company’s commitment to creating a leaner, more efficient organizational structure.

Challenges in the Mobile Network Business

Nokia’s largest revenue-generating unit, the mobile network business, faced a notable challenge, with a 24 percent decline in revenue, amounting to 2.16 billion euros. Furthermore, the operating profit of this unit plummeted by a staggering 64 percent. This decline was primarily attributed to the sluggish performance of the North American market.

Decisive Action for Future Viability

A senior Nokia official emphasized that the company is taking decisive actions on multiple fronts—strategic, operational, and cost-related. These measures are seen as crucial steps toward strengthening the company and delivering substantial value to its shareholders.


Nokia’s decision to reduce its global workforce by 14,000 employees is a testament to its commitment to adapt and thrive in the face of market uncertainty. The ambitious cost-cutting targets and the streamlining of operations demonstrate Nokia’s determination to remain competitive in the telecommunications industry. As the company embarks on this journey of transformation, the hope is that these strategic measures will lead to a more resilient and prosperous future.


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