National Startup Awards 2023: Celebrating Innovation and Impact, Applications Now Open

National Startup Awards 2023
National Startup Awards 2023

INVC NEWS ,New Delhi ,

National Startup Awards 2023 : Apply now for the National Startup Awards 2023 and get recognized for your innovative ideas and measurable social impact. With 20 categories to choose from and a cash prize of INR 10 lakhs for each winner, don’t miss this chance to receive exclusive support and investor connections

Attention all innovators! The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) is thrilled to invite applications for the National Startup Awards 2023. This is an exciting opportunity to showcase your groundbreaking ideas and be recognized for making a significant social impact. The deadline for submissions is May 31st, 2023.

The National Startup Awards have been recognizing and rewarding outstanding startups and enablers in the Indian startup ecosystem for three years. This year, the awards aim to celebrate innovation across India in alignment with the ‘Vision India @2047’ initiative. This initiative seeks to drive India towards becoming a developed economy by fostering a spirit of Amrit Kaal across various themes.

Don’t miss this opportunity to shine on a national platform and be acknowledged for your remarkable work. Visit for more information on how to apply

The awards will feature 20 categories spanning different areas such as aerospace, retail, disruptive technologies, and impact-focused categories. These categories have been thoughtfully selected based on current Indian and global economic focus points.

DPIIT will award INR 10 lakhs to one winning startup in each category. In addition, winners and finalists of the National Startup Awards 2023 will receive exclusive handholding support, such as investor and government connections, mentorship, international market access, and more.

Previous editions of the National Startup Awards have seen a tremendous response from startups and ecosystem enablers, with over 6,400 startups participating and more than 450 startups recognized as winners and finalists.   ( INVC NEWS )


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