New Delhi,
Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation of India (MMTC) declared its financial results for the half year ended on 30th September, 2019.The company has achieved revenue from operations of Rs.13176crore as against the revenue from operations of Rs.12511 crore during the corresponding period last year registering a growth of 5% over the same period last year.
MMTC has posted a net profit of Rs 43.28 crore during the period as compared to the net profit of Rs.41.62 crore during the same period last year registering anincrease of 4% over the same period last year.
Revenue from exports increased by 384% to Rs 862 crore as compared to Rs 178 crore during the corresponding period last year.
Revenue from imports increased by 25% to Rs 10756 crore as compared to Rs 8619 crore during the corresponding period last year.
Other income increased by 105% to Rs.21 crore as compared to Rs.10 crore during the corresponding period last year.
These achievements have been made inspite of adverse global market scenario and by overall reduction in overheads and other costs.