Media’s role in promoting spiritual wisdom and healthy lifestyle : Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal




Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister called upon the media professionals to lay more emphasis on constructive and positive news and flow up information to the masses through their writings. He said that media’s role in promoting spiritual wisdom and healthy lifestyle etc. was all the more important.

Inaugurating the All India Inter-active Media Seminar on ‘Media Initiative for Value Based Society’ organized by Prajapita Brahama Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (Media Wing) Mount Abu here today, Chief Minister said Mass Media was the most potent and powerful change agent could play a pivotal role in practicing and popularizing the age-old spiritual principles of peaceful, healthy harmonious and ecological coexistence and prevalent in ancient India’s culture and civilization.

He said that the need of the hour was to resolve conflicts and contain crises through dissemination and spread of essential knowledge and wisdom on ones true identity and intent in life which could change people form materialistic madness to spiritual sensibility and from sense-centric to soul-centric enlightenment. He said Media should take up the challenges of promoting positive values in their profession and avoid negativity in media coverage. He said that the media also owes a great responsibility and added that news based on facts needed to be highlighted in the right perspective.

Chief Minister said that media should refrain from giving misleading and sensational news in the larger interest of the society. He said that media could bring radical change in ideology, views and mind set of the people. He said that State Government was working for protecting environment. He said that all this would not be possible without the cooperation of the media. He said that media could also go a long way in creating much needed awareness and mind set and instilling core values and spirituality which would go a long way in ensuring value based society.

He also congratulated the organizers of the Seminar for organizing it in Himachal Pradesh in Shimla. He was also honoured and presented memento on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof. A.D.N. Bajpayee, Vice Chancellor, H.P. University also stressed on upholding the moral values and added that media persons should inclined towards positivity in news so that true message could go to the masses. He said that only true information could be constructive change in the society.

Prof. Kamal Dixit, Eminent Journalist and National Coordinator, Society of Media Initiative for Values, Indore, Rajyogini BK Krishana, Additional Head, Brahama Kumaries Sub Zone Jalandhar also spoke on the occasion.

Earlier, Shri Bharat Bhshan, Media Coordinator welcomed the Chief Minister and detailed out the activities of the Seminar.

Shri Pramod Kumar Karmchand, Zonal Coordination proposed vote of thanks on the occasion.

The Seminar is a part of institutions 17-day campaign undertaken by Media Wing of the institution in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab which would conclude in Pathankot on 12th June, 2012. More than 100 journalists, media professionals representing print, electronic, cyber and promotional media are attending the Seminar.


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