A Delhi court has refused to drop the charge against a man who spoke sexual words in English. After the hearing, the court rejected the man’s argument, in which he had given the meaning of the word to ‘go away’.
To take action against the petitioner for offenses under sections 354A (sexual remarks and sexual harassment), 506 (words, gestures intended to insult the modesty of a woman) and 509 (criminal intimidation) of the IPC, the court said. sufficient basis.
The court dismissed the petition upholding the charges against the man. The court was hearing a revision petition in the judgment of a women’s court. The case dates back to May 2019, when a man named Tauseef-Al Hasan along with his other associates entered the house of a woman. The accused threatened the woman and her family. The accused used to refer to the woman as ‘bazaaru’ woman and some other sex-centric words. The court said in its order that these words are objectionable, they cannot be used to ask anyone to leave or leave.
Additional Sessions Judge Sanjay Sharma in his order observed that in view of the facts and circumstances of the case, it cannot be said that the petitioner had only intended to ask the complainant to leave or leave. “The petitioner asked the victim to remain silent and sit in a corner and she along with others threatened to throw her and her family out of the house,” the court said.
The court said that it is a derogatory, objectionable and degrading use of the word. The court said that before framing the charges, the court should apply its judicial mind to the material placed on record. It should be understood whether it was possible for the accused to commit the crime. PLC/GT