Mahesh Navami 2023 : Know everything about Mahesh Navami


New Delhi – : Mahesh Navami is an auspicious festival in Hinduism dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva, also known as Mahadev. This festival holds great significance and is believed to be one of the best occasions for paying homage to Lord Shiva.

During Mahesh Navami, devotees not only worship Lord Shiva but also offer their prayers to Mother Parvati, seeking their divine blessings. It is believed that by doing so, devotees receive the blessings of Shiva Parvati, bringing prosperity and fulfillment into their lives.

This year, the festival of Mahesh Navami is scheduled to be celebrated on the 29th of May. On this day, devotees observe a fast and engage in worship to please the deities. It is believed that by observing this fast, one can alleviate the sorrows and troubles of life. Additionally, chanting the 108 names of Lord Shiva is considered auspicious and is believed to grant desired boons to the devotees.

Now, let’s delve deeper into the rituals and celebrations associated with Mahesh Navami.

Rituals and Celebrations

During Mahesh Navami, devotees perform various rituals to express their devotion towards Lord Shiva and seek his divine grace. The following are the key aspects of the celebrations:

Worship of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati

Devotees offer prayers and perform elaborate puja ceremonies dedicated to Lord Shiva and his consort, Mother Parvati. They decorate the Shiva Linga with flowers, bel leaves, and fruits, and offer milk, water, honey, and other sacred substances. Devotional songs and hymns are sung to honor the divine couple.

Fasting and its importance

Fasting is an integral part of Mahesh Navami, observed by devotees to demonstrate their dedication and seek blessings. Fasting is believed to purify the mind, body, and soul, allowing devotees to connect with the divine on a deeper level. By abstaining from food and other worldly pleasures, devotees strive to attain spiritual growth and self-discipline.

Chanting the 108 names of Lord Shiva

Chanting the 108 names of Lord Shiva holds immense significance during Mahesh Navami. Each name reflects a unique attribute or quality of Lord Shiva. Devotees believe that by reciting these names with devotion and sincerity, they can attain spiritual enlightenment and seek the blessings of Lord Shiva.

Mahesh Navami in 2023

Mahesh Navami in 2023 will be celebrated on the 29th of May. Devotees eagerly anticipate this day and make preparations well in advance to ensure a memorable celebration. The following are some aspects to consider for the upcoming Mahesh Navami:

Date and timing of the festival

Marked on the ninth day of the Hindu month of Jyeshtha, Mahesh Navami falls in the month of May or June according to the Gregorian calendar. Devotees wake up early in the morning and start their day with ritualistic prayers and offerings.

Preparation and planning for the celebration

Devotees make elaborate preparations for Mahesh Navami. They clean their homes and decorate the puja area with flowers and colorful rangolis. Devotees also gather the necessary puja items such as incense sticks, diyas (oil lamps), sacred threads, and prasad (holy offerings). It is customary to wear clean and traditional attire during the celebrations.

The 108 Names of Lord Shiva

Chanting the 108 names of Lord Shiva holds deep spiritual significance for devotees. Each name represents a specific quality or aspect of Lord Shiva’s divine nature. By chanting these names, devotees seek blessings and invoke the divine qualities of Lord Shiva into their lives. The following are some of the names:


And many more…


Mahesh Navami is a significant festival dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati. By observing fasting, performing rituals, and chanting the 108 names of Lord Shiva, devotees seek divine blessings and strive for spiritual growth. The celebration of Mahesh Navami provides an opportunity for devotees to strengthen their bond with the divine and find solace in their devotion.


What is Mahesh Navami?
Mahesh Navami is a Hindu festival dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati. It is celebrated on the ninth day of the Hindu month of Jyeshtha.

Why is Mahesh Navami considered special?
Mahesh Navami is considered special as it provides an auspicious occasion for devotees to seek blessings and divine grace from Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati.

What are the rituals followed during Mahesh Navami?
Devotees perform puja rituals, offer prayers, and chant the 108 names of Lord Shiva. Fasting is also observed to demonstrate devotion and seek blessings.

How does fasting on Mahesh Navami benefit the devotees?
Fasting on Mahesh Navami is believed to purify the mind, body, and soul. It helps devotees connect with the divine on a deeper level and attain spiritual growth.

What are the benefits of chanting the 108 names of Lord Shiva?
Chanting the 108 names of Lord Shiva invokes divine blessings and helps devotees in seeking spiritual enlightenment. It is believed to grant desired boons and promote overall well-being.


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