Maa Ganga defeats the sufferings of ten directions, know when did Maa Ganga descend


Ganga has been given the status of mother in Sanatan Dharma. The holy festival of Ganga Dussehra is celebrated every year on the tenth day of Shukla Paksha of Jyestha month.

On this day people bathe in the river Ganga and do charity. It is a religious belief that by doing this all kinds of sins are cut off and salvation is attained. With the blessings of Maa Ganga, happiness and peace comes in life.

The meaning of Aarti is to wear it. Although the life of mother Ganga has not been easy and simple, like a mother who tolerates and accepts all the good and bad conduct of her children, but in every situation, she flows continuously from the even-odd land and mountains, creating an environment of purity and coolness. Keeps happening because she became the consort of Lord Shankar, the head of the family of adversities.

When did Mother Ganges descend

The descent of Maa Ganga took place only in that period, when the descendants of King Sagar were cursed. He needed the support of Devnadi for salvation. Legend has it that King Bhagirath of the same clan does severe penance for the salvation of the cursed descendants of Sagar. Bhagirath is not a person, but a symbol of a system fighting against inequalities in the interest of public life. Not for any one, but for sixty thousand suffering ancestors, the meaning of penance is that the movement was done to change the disparities of the whole society into equality. Mahadev is fascinated by the sentiments of this public welfare. Lord Vishnu’s form becomes huge as soon as the ego of Bali, the king of the Asuras, is immersed in the abyss with the contemplation of the brain and one step goes to Brahmalok in two and a half steps. While going to Brahmalok, the feet of Vishnu are also attacked by the viruses present in the space. It is the tendency of bacteria that harm the environment to spread infection. The infected and injured Charan is purified and infection-free by the Devmandal in Brahmaloka. When there is an excess of water in Brahmalok, Brahma takes it in his Kamandal. If it is Brahma’s Kamandal, then the virus-element of water had to be destroyed. In this way, the existence of Maa Ganga takes place in Brahmalok only by removing disparities. This is not an oddity, but he had to face the oddity of Mahadev’s anger. On the penance of Bhagirath, Ganga is ordered to come to earth. She did not want to come because she would have to bear the toxic mind and body and other pollutions in the Ganges on earth. She refused and made it clear that if she goes to earth, she will create an outcry. On this he had to bear the heat of Mahadev’s anger on Bhagirath.

Why was Shiva’s Ganga kept in her hair

According to the Shiv-Tandav source, the Ganga was pulsating like a flame of fire in Shiva’s hair. Coming out like the fire of anger. Shiva entangled Ganga in his hair and ordered her to go with Bhagirath. This day was also full of adversities. Hot day of Jyestha month. Dashami of Shukla Paksha. The time of water’s trahi-trahi, but that day was Tuesday. That is, the day of resolution to travel 2500 km from Gangotri to Gangasagar in lieu of Vishnu’s two and a half steps to do Mars on earth, which Mother Ganga accepts. Mother Ganga sees Bhagirath with thousands of sages before coming out of Shiva’s hair, so she is also sure that if there is purity in the thinking of the leader, then she will remove any pollution with her continuousness.

There is also a story in Devi-Puraan that there were many discrepancies in the marriage of Lord Shankar. When Shankarji went to Vishnuji to inform about the marriage, Lord Vishnu asked him to recite some songs and music to make the atmosphere sweet. Shankar ji started singing a song on this, then Vishnuji was so melted in joy that Vaikuntha started getting flooded, which Brahma collected in his Kamandal.

It is clear from the story that planning of musical melody is necessary in times of stress. When the mind is happy, the ability to bear the pain of the body arises. Body chemicals and hormones are favorable. If the reality is seen, then the earth is the land of both happiness and disparities. In Satyayuga, Vishnu suffers from Narada’s curse, in Tretayuga, Shriram suffers from the devious policies of his own mother, and in Dwapar, Krishna’s childhood challenges his maternal uncle Kansa, and later, in Kurukshetra, in the Mahabharata, mutual kin fight. It also shows the discharge of centralized role for.

It is certain that life is full of duality. With honey-like fragrance, only the skeleton of trees is visible in autumn. The present era is also an era similar to the curse of Bhagirath’s ancestors. What to call the group of people wandering from corner to corner like Bhagirath wandering for the satisfaction of the ancestors? Rishis have been thinking of seeing the form of Janardan in the group of people. It seems that this is the same huge first step of Vishnu ji, who has to walk two and a half steps. This pug running for two and a half months also shows that like the Ganges, when these pugs of the people will be re-arranged while fighting with anomalies, it will become a wonderful ‘Pug-Puraan’.


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