M3M Foundation’s iMpower benefits over 300 families of construction workers over one year



M3M Foundation celebrated the one-year journey of the iMpower initiative that has benefitted over 300 families of construction workers at M3M sites. iMpower is being implemented in collaboration with Aide et Action at identified worksites in the Gurugram district of Haryana. It is being done through ensuring their entitlements to basic requirements such as education, health, financial and social security, legal aid and their access to State and Central welfare schemes.
The virtual ceremony witnessed the august presence of Dr. Payal Kanodia, Trustee, M3M Foundation, Aishwarya Bansal, Trustee, M3M Foundation, Mohit Chadha, Managing Trustee, M3M Foundation, Dr. Aishwarya Mahajan, Director – Livelihood Education at Aide et Action International among others.

A short film was also screened on the occasion that showcased the achievements and milestones of the initiative. It was followed by addresses from the Aide et Action and M3M Foundation teams and interaction with beneficiaries. The beneficiary women, part of iMpower programme also distributed around 100 masks on the occasion.

“As we complete a one-year journey of iMpower, we take immense pride in its achievements. The programme has received an overwhelming response from construction workers. The initiative has not only facilitated access to basic entitlements but also empowered them and instilled self-confidence. We would like to thank the Aide et Action team for their support in making it a success,” Dr. Payal Kanodia, Trustee, M3M Foundation.

The project engages with the age groups from 0 to 35, in and around the M3M worksites through a multi-functional resource centre. This resource centre is not only a space for supporting children in education but also links the community with government entitlements/schemes. The Resource Centre is also a hub for promoting digital literacy, health, hygiene & nutrition, and space for imparting skill training to the youth. Around 1000 children and community members are being made digitally literate in the project area through this intervention. Special emphasis has been given to the behaviour change aspects of the community through various health-related interventions.

“We would like to thank the M3M Foundation for this wonderful initiative. iMpower is a holistic programme that takes care of all the basic facilities. The programme also enables our children to continue their education. It has brightened our lives,” said x, a beneficiary.

The programme has also played a catalytic role in encouraging women entrepreneurship. Under I-Mask, a wing of iMpower provides women with yet another opportunity to earn a sustainable livelihood by making reusable fabric-based face masks with the help of pre fabric and ‘ready to Stitch’ kit.  The initiative has gone a long way in helping these women to showcase and improvise their skills besides imparting them self-confidence. It also ensures adherence to safety during the pandemic.

M3M Foundation, the philanthropic arm of M3M Group, is working towards bringing an equitable development for attaining a brighter India. Education, environment, health, disaster management and socio-economic development are its key areas.  The Foundation believes in taking an innovative approach to address social issues by developing a self-sustained program.


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