Porn Film Survey 2024: Top 10 Countries Watching Porn Films

latest Porn Film Survey of 2024
latest Porn Film Survey of 2024

In the digital age, where access to various forms of media is just a click away, pornography remains a highly consumed content type worldwide. Despite being banned in numerous countries, the allure of pornographic material persists, with certain nations standing out as the top consumers. The latest Porn Film Survey of 2024 sheds light on the top 10 countries where porn films are extensively watched, with some surprising revelations.

Pakistan: Leading the Pack

Topping the list is Pakistan, a country where porn films are officially banned. However, this restriction hasn’t deterred its citizens from indulging in such content. What’s noteworthy is the unique approach employed by Pakistani internet users to access pornographic material. Rather than straightforward searches, individuals resort to using animal names as proxies, such as donkeys, dogs, or pigs, to evade detection.

Egypt, Vietnam, Iran, and Morocco: Following Suit

Following closely behind Pakistan are Egypt, Vietnam, Iran, and Morocco, comprising the top five nations with significant interest in porn films. Despite cultural and religious constraints in some of these countries, the allure of pornography remains strong, reflecting the global appeal of this form of entertainment.

China: A Surprising Twist

While traditional wisdom might suggest otherwise, China stands out as a unique case in the survey. Although pornographic content is heavily censored and restricted, a notable trend emerges within the workplace. Surprisingly, employees in China exhibit a penchant for watching porn during office hours, signaling a departure from conventional norms.

Insights from the Venson Born for Blue Coat Survey

The Venson Born for Blue Coat Institute conducted a comprehensive survey across 11 countries, shedding light on the prevalence of porn consumption among employees. Despite concerns over cybersecurity threats, the findings reveal a significant number of individuals accessing pornographic websites during work hours.

Work from Home: A Double-Edged Sword

The rise of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped traditional work dynamics, offering flexibility and convenience to employees. However, this newfound freedom has also led to unintended consequences, including an upsurge in porn addiction. As people spend more time isolated at home, the temptation to indulge in pornographic material becomes increasingly accessible.

Impact on Mental Health

The proliferation of porn addiction poses a significant challenge to mental health professionals worldwide. In countries like Britain, where remote work became the norm, the number of individuals seeking treatment for porn addiction has surged dramatically. The Laurel Center in London, a leading institution specializing in sex and porn addiction, has witnessed a notable increase in cases, with individuals spending excessive hours consuming pornographic material.

Global Implications

The findings of the Porn Film Survey 2024 underscore the global impact of pornography consumption, transcending cultural, religious, and regulatory barriers. As societies grapple with the challenges posed by porn addiction, it becomes imperative to address underlying issues and provide support mechanisms for affected individuals.

In an era dominated by digital connectivity, the consumption of pornographic material remains a contentious yet prevalent aspect of modern society. The Porn Film Survey 2024 offers valuable insights into the top countries where such content is extensively watched, highlighting the need for nuanced approaches to address associated challenges. As the world navigates the complexities of pornography in the digital age, fostering awareness and promoting responsible consumption emerge as crucial imperatives.


  1. Venson Born for Blue Coat Survey
  2. Reports Released by Google


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