Minister of Agriculture and Food Processing Industries Shri Sharad Pawar has called for reforms in agricultural marketing. He said, the prevailing system which comprises regulated markets set up by the States under APMC Act has become a constraint on farmers’ ability to market their produce at the best possible prices. Shri Pawar was addressing the Parliamentary Consultative Committee attached to his Ministry here today.
The Minister said, large number of intermediaries and large transaction costs, such as market fee, entry tax make marketing reforms a priority. He said, “ We continue to pursue this with States and have achieved some success. Our model APMC Act of 2003 has been adopted, to varying degrees so far by 17 States and nine States have also framed the Rules . There is no APMC Act in Bihar, Kerala, Manipur, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Dadra, & Nagar Havel, Daman & Diu and Lakshadweep.”
Shri Pawar said, “Farmers, specially small and marginal are unable to take advantage of the market system and often have to resort to distress sale. Access to safe and scientific storage facility, coupled with efficient credit is the solution.” The Minister said that Centre endeavours to provide this through Grameen Bhandarn Yojana. Since inception of the scheme in 2001, over 25 000 godowns representing incremental capacity of about 290 lakh MT with a total investment of Rs. 800 crore have been sanctioned.
Under the Grameen Bhandaran Yojana subsidy is being provided @ 25% of the project cost to all categories of farmers, Agriculture graduates, cooperatives & CWC/SWCs. All other categories of individuals companies and corporations are being given subsidy @ 15% of the project cost. In case of NE States, hilly areas and SC/ST entrepreneurs, their cooperatives and women farmers, the subsidy is 33.33%.
This scheme has now been further rationalized, on the basis of feedback and suggestions received from the states. Capital Cost norms have been revised to more realistic levels: from Rs. 2500/- to Rs. 3500/- per tonne in respect of godowns of capacity up to 1000 tonnes and from Rs. 1875 to Rs. 3000 per tonne for godwons exceeding 1000 tonne capacity. For the North Eastern and hilly States, the norm permissible is now Rs. 4000/- per tonne. Similarly, the scheme which hitherto could take up schemes of maximum capacity of 10,000 tonnes can now go upto 30,000 tonnes (25,000 for NE and hilly States).
Dr. Charan Das Mahant, Minister of State for Agriculture was also present in the meeting.
MPs who participated in the meeting are: Shri A Ganeshamurthi, Shri Dhruva Narayana Rangaswamy, Shri M. Krishnaswamy, Dr. Pulin Bihari Baske, Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, Sardar Sher Singh Ghubaya, Shri Ramesh Rathod and Shri Kunvarjibhai Bavalia of Lok Sabha, Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, Shri Vikram Verma, Dr. K.P. Ramalingam, Shri T.M. Selvaganapathi, Smt. Mohsina Kidwai and Smt. Renubala Pradhan of Rajya Sabha and Shri Raj Babbar, Lok Sabha as Special invitee.
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