International Women’s Day celebrated at Aryans Group of Colleges



To honour women’s empowerment on International Women’s Day, Aryans Group of Colleges today organized a declamation contest on the topics which included women empowerment, women reservation, female feticide etc. in its campus i.e. Vill. Nepra (Banur), Chandigarh-Patiala Highway, near Chandigarh.

In his inaugural address, Dr. (Mrs.) Parveen Kataria, Director General, Aryans Group said women are better performance-oriented, competent, dedicated, enthusiastic, consistent, gritty, diligent and lively than their male counterpart which is why they are racing ahead in corporate world than men. The notion “women cannot compete with men in corporate world” has been proven false by great women business leaders like Indra Nooyi, Shilpa Sharma, Ketki Gadgil etc. She also stressed on the importance of women empowerment in the society and need to learn from these great personalities and adopt them as their role models so that they can achieve great heights.

“When we look at the relation between education and women empowerment, we find that several kinds of social evils, like female feticide, dowry, etc., are still prevalent in the society” putting emphasis on these issues, Dr. Manjula Kataria, Principal, Aryans College Of Education called upon all sections of society to actively co-operate in “Beti bachao Abhiyan”, “Beti hai to kal hai”.

Mrs. Rajni Kataria, Finance Secretary, Aryans Group said that females are now playing dominating role in every aspect of life. She further added that women empowerment will contribute in the betterment of the society and governance. She also said that self belief is a key to success and all parents should encourage their girls and treat them equally.


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