IAFPC and Monster India Collaborate to Foster Job Opportunities for Retired Air Warriors


www. monsterindia.com,Indian Air Force Placement Cell ,IAFPC,Senior Non-Commissioned Officer ,SNCO,Indian Air Force Placement Cell, Marshal HB Rajaram AVSM VSM, Air Officer-in-charge Administration,Directorate of Air Veterans ,DAV,INVC,
Monster India (www. monsterindia.com), one of the leading online career and recruitment solutions provider and Indian Air Force Placement Cell (IAFPC) collaborated today to provide a platform to assist the retired and shortly retiring Air warriors – Commissioned Officers and Warranted Officer/Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO), who seek a suitable second career opportunity in the civil world.

“Indian Air Force Placement Cell is dedicated to provide possibilities and opportunities for Air warriors to showcase their aptitude in other fields after a prestigious career with the Indian Air Force. Our alliance with Monster India will definitely prove to be one of the most significant benefits to all retired/ shortly retiring Air warriors for seeking career opportunities. Monster India is one of the most credible experts in the career and recruitment solutions industry. We are hopeful that our association with them will help retiring Air warriors find the most suitable opportunity to share their expertise and add value to various organisations. We wish them the best of luck in their new career path after retiring from an illustrious phase of serving the Indian Air Force” said Air Marshal HB Rajaram AVSM VSM, Air Officer-in-charge Administration.

Pleased at the signing of this initiative, Sanjay Modi, Managing Director, Monster.com (India/Middle-East/South East Asia) said, “It is an honor and privilege to be associated with the Indian Air Force.” He added “Monster India is working towards tapping the segment of retired and senior professionals across various industries and professions to provide them a direct platform to be visible amongst the right people in corporate India and share their resumes for the most relevant job openings. ‘Career after Career’ section on Monster will indeed provide Air warriors the most suitable opportunities in corporate India. We at Monster India are thankful to IAFPC for selecting us as their ‘Preferred Recruitment Partner’ and we are confident that this joint move is the beginning of a rewarding relationship between the Indian Air Force and Monster India which will certainly fructify into more avenues to partner in future.”

A MoU between the two was signed at the Directorate of Air Veterans (DAV) in Subroto park. Speaking on the occasion, the Principal Director DAV, Air Commodore AK Patra VSM said that owing to the steep pyramidical structure of the defence forces there is a continuous supply of a large number of skilled, trained, disciplined and self motivated ex-servicemen. The platform will enable matching the aspiration of the job seekers with that of the industry requirement. The customised services extended by Monsterindia will fulfil their aspirations and help make a smooth transition to second career post retirement from the IAF. The DAV website is maintained by the ICICI group.


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