Himchal Government implementing various schemes in the State to strengthen the rural economy – Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal




Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister, led the State in paying floral tributes to the architect of the modern Himachal Pradesh and First Chief Minister of the State, late Dr. Y.S.Parmar, by offering flowers at his statue installed at the historic Ridge Maidan, here today to commemorate 105th birthday of the great visionary leader of the State who led the State through all odds to emerge a Model State in the country. He was followed by Shri Tulsi Ram Sharma, Speaker, HP Legislative Assembly, Cabinet Ministers, Leader of the Opposition in the HP State Legislative Assembly, Smt. Vidya Stokes, former Speakers, Members of Legislative Assembly, former MLAs, Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of various Boards and Corporations, Smt. Madhu Sood, Mayor, Municipal Corporation, Shimla, family members of Dr. Y.S.Parmar, senior bureaucrats and people from all walks of life.

Later presiding over the function in Himachal Vidhan Sabha Library complex Chief Minister paid glowing tributes to Dr. Y.S. Parmar and said that Himachal Pradesh would remain indebted to him for generations to come since it was under his leadership that Himachal Pradesh got a separate identity amongst hill States and State march on the path of progress despite limited resources. He said that Dr. Parmar had provided a visionary leadership to the State and laid solid foundation at its adolescence. He said that late Dr. Parmar had been a multifaceted personality who had deep understanding of social system, politics and literature. He had left indelible mark in the hearts of people of the State. He said that the historic land reforms carried during his Chief Ministership had provided tillers ownership over the land they had been cultivating for generations. He said that he also pleaded for the merger of hilly areas of Punjab with Himachal Pradesh. He said that he gave impetus for three fold farming as a result of which State’s agrarian economy particularly in Horticulture State made rapid strides.

Prof. Dhumal said that his Government was also implementing various schemes in the State to strengthen the rural economy like Pandit Deen Dayal Kisaan Baagwan Samridhi Yojna, Doodh Ganga, Bhed Palak Yojna in addition to Rs. 321 crore JICA funded organic fertilizer and diversified project to be implemented in the near future. He said that Dr. Parmar was a leader who belonged to all parties, all sections of the society and who had followers in every political ideology and it was due to this reason that he was known politician with a difference. He said that real tribute to the Architect of Modern Himachal Pradesh Dr. Y.S.Parmar would be to realize his dream of prosperous, educated and progressive Himachal Pradesh.

Chief Minister also released publications brought out by Vidhan Sabha Secretariat.

Shri Tulsi Ram Sharma, Speaker, HP Legislative Assembly paying tributes to Dr. Parmar said that he was personally impressed with the towering personality of Dr. Parmar and had always been attending his public meetings. He said that Dr. Parmar had the vision to take land mark decisions and land reforms and education were two major sectors where he had contributed significantly


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