Government of India has been consistently taking up the issue concerning all Indian prisoners in Pakistani jails




According to available reports, there are 558 Indian nationals in custody in Pakistan. Out of them, 232 are civilian prisoners, 252 Indian fishermen and 74 Missing Defence Personnel, including 54 Prisoners of War since 1971. Government of Pakistan has acknowledged the presence of only 72 Indian civilian prisoners and 237 fishermen lodged in Pakistani jails. Pakistan does not acknowledge the presence of any Missing Defence Personnel in its custody.

Government of India has been consistently taking up the issue concerning all Indian prisoners in Pakistani jails with the Government of Pakistan at all appropriate levels. The matter was taken up at the Foreign Secretary level talks in February 2010, June 2010 and June 2011; in the Home/Interior Secretary level talks in March 2011 and Foreign Minister level talks in July 2010 and July 2011. Home Minister also raised the issue during his visit to Islamabad in June 2010. Government has been making persistent efforts for the release of Indian fishermen from Pakistan. As a result of Government’s efforts, Pakistan released 454 Indian fishermen and 19 Indian civilian prisoners in 2010. In 2011, as on date, Pakistan has released 103 Indian fishermen and 12 Indian civilian prisoners. An India-Pakistan Judicial Committee on Prisoners was formed on February 26, 2008 to make recommendations to the two Governments, which inter alia included immediate release of and consular access to fishermen, and exchange of a consolidated list of nationals in each other’s jails. The committee has met four times so far (February 2008, June 2008, August 2008 and April 2011).

High Commission of India, Islamabad, on a continuing basis, monitors the status of Indians prisoners in Pakistani jails and requests for consular access for these prisoners. Once the consular access is granted by the Government of Pakistan, the verification papers are sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs through the Ministry of External Affairs for nationality status verification of these prisoners. High Commission of India, on a continuing basis, takes up the matter with the Government of Pakistan for the release of all those Indian prisoners who have completed their sentences.

The Ministry of Agriculture, (Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries) is the nodal agency for payment of compensation to the fishermen lodged in Pakistani jails and the scheme – “Soft Loan Package for Replacement of Fishing vessels held in captivity in Pakistan” which is being implemented by Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA).

The Minister of State of External Affairs Shri E. Ahmed gave this information.



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