Government has issued instructions for writing of annual confidential reports of Haryana Civil Services Officers

Haryana GovernmentINVC,
Chandigarh ,

Haryana Government has issued instructions for writing of annual confidential reports of Haryana Civil Services (HCS) Officers.While giving this information here today, an official spokesman said that as per the guidelines the reporting, reviewing and accepting authority for writing Annual Confidential Reports (ACR) of officers of Haryana Civil Services (HCS)  would be only one officer each for a given period of time. However, if more than one person supervises the performance of the member of the Service, the Personnel Department has to identify the person to report or review well in advance of the relevant assessment year.

He said that where more than one person supervises the performance of a member of HCS, the relevant assessment year as reporting or reviewing authority, the person who supervises the performance of the member of the service for the maximum period (minimum of 3 months) during the relevant assessment year, would report or review the performance of the officers reported upon, during the relevant assessment year.

The spokesman said that in case the periods of the officers who supervise the performance of the member of the service during the ‘relevant assessment year are the same, then the later person would report or review the performance of the officer reported upon during the relevant assessment year. He said that quite often an officer reported upon holds more than one post simultaneously, in such
cases, the authorities prescribed for writing ACRs of the substantive (main) post would report or review the performance of the officer reported upon during the relevant assessment year. In case of officers holding the charge of the posts of Additional Deputy Commissioner, Sub Divisional Officer (Civil), City Magistrate and General Manager, Haryana Roadways, either main or additional charge, their ACRs would be got recorded of the post of Additional Deputy Commissioner or Sub Divisional Officer (Civil) or City Magistrate or General Manager, Haryana Roadways held by them, he added.

While detailing the schedule for writing ACRs of HCS Officers, he said that April 30 would be the cutoff date for blank ACR form to be given to the officer reported upon by the personal department specifying the reporting officer and reviewing authority whereas, May 31 would be the cutoff date for self appraisal for current year. Similarly, the cutoff date for appraisal by reporting authority would be June 30 and by reviewing authority would be July 31. For appraisal by accepting authority the cutoff date would be August 31, he added.

He said that if ACR for a financial year is not recorded by December 31, of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks would be recorded thereafter and the office would be assessed on the basis of overall record and self assessment for the year at the time of his promotion to the higher grade or posts by the competent authority, if he has submitted his self assessment in time.  He said that if the officer reported upon fails to submit the self appraisal in time, an entry to this effect would be made in the ACR performa and would be sent to the reporting authorities for recording remarks therein, he added. He said that these instructions would be applicable for ACRs of HCS officers with effect from assessment year 2013-14 and onwards.

The spokesman said that for writing ACR of Additional Deputy Commissioner-cum-CEO, DRDA, the Deputy Commissioner would be the reporting authority, whereas, Committee comprising   Chief Secretary, Administrative Secretary of Development   and Panchayat   and Divisional Commissioner concerned would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. Similarly, for Sub Divisional Officers (Civil), the Deputy Commissioner would be the reporting authority, whereas, Financial Commissioner, Revenue would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. For City Magistrate, the Deputy Commissioner would be the reporting authority whereas,   Financial Commissioner, Revenue would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority.

He said that for Deputy/Joint/Additional/Special Secretary, the Administrative Secretary would be the reporting authority, whereas, the Minister in Charge would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. For writing ACR of Officer on special Duty to Chief Minister, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister would be Reporting Authority and Chief Minister would be the Reviewing and Accepting Authorities. Likewise, for Officer on Special Duty 0/0 Divisional Commissioners, the Divisional Commissioner would be the reporting authority,   Financial Commissioner, Revenue would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority.  For the post of Secretary, Staff Selection Commission, Chairman would be the reporting authority ,  Chief Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority.

The spokesman said that for writing ACR of Controller, Printing and Stationary, the Administrative Secretary would be the reporting authority,   Minister-in-charge would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority.  For, Joint/Additional Directors in various Departments, the Head of the Department would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority, for, Joint/Additional Labour Commissioner, the Head of the Department would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority, for Joint Registrar (Admn.), Cooperative Societies,   Head of the Department would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority.  For Joint Controller, Civil Defence, Ambala, the Director, Civil Defence would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority.

He said that for writing ACR for the post of Joint Chief Electoral Officer, Chief Electoral Officer would be the reporting authority and Election Commission of India would be the reviewing and accepting authority. For General Manager (Project), Irrigation,    Head of the Department would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. Similarly, for Joint Transport Commissioners,   Head of the Department would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. For Joint State Transport Controller, Head of the Department would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority, for General Manager, Haryana Roadways,    Head of the Department would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. Likewise, for the post of Secretary, RTA, Head of the Department would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority.

The spokesman said that for Joint Excise and Taxation Commissioner,   Head of the Department would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority.  For Assistant Director, Consolidation of Holdings, Rohtak,   Head of the Department would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority and for Land Acquisition Officers, Head of the Department concerned would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary concerned would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority.  For Estate Officer, HUDA, Chief Administrator HUDA in consultation with Administrator, HUDA would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. For Secretary/OSD/Zonal Administrator, Inquiry Officer in various Boards and Corporations,   Managing Director would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority.

The spokesman said that for Managing Directors, Cooperative Sugar Mills,    Managing Director, Sugarfed would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. Similarly, for General Manager, Hafed Sugar Mills, Managing Director, HAFED would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. For Secretary, Backward Classes Commission, Chairman would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority and for Secretary, State Information Commission, Chief Information Commissioner would be the reporting,   reviewing and accepting authority, he added.

He said that for Secretary, Haryana School Education Board,    Chairman would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. For Secretary, School Teachers Selection Board, Chairman would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. Similarly, for Secretary, Haryana Police Recruitment Board,    Chairman would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. For Administrator, Municipalities, Director, Urban Local Bodies would be the reporting authority,   Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority.  For Joint Director PGIMS, Rohtak, Director PGIMS would be the reporting authority,   Vice Chancellor; University of Health Sciences would be the reviewing and accepting authority.

For Extra  Assistant Commissioner (Under Training) in Districts, Deputy Commissioner would be the reporting authority, Financial Commissioner, Revenue would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be the accepting authority. For Extra Assistant Commissioner (Under Training), HIPA Gurgaon, Director, HIPA, Gurgaon would be the reporting authority, Chief Secretary would be the reviewing and Chief Minister would be accepting authority. For Secretary in various Commissions of Inquiry, Commission of Inquiry would be the reporting authority and Chief Minister would be the reviewing and accepting authority. For Secretary, Lokayukta, Lokayukta would be the reporting, reviewing and accepting authority.

For Joint Commissioners, Municipal Corporations, Head of the Department/Commissioner in consultation with whosoever is senior would be the reporting authority, Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be accepting authority. For Chief Executive Officer, Kurukshetra Development Board, Deputy Commissioner, Kurukshetra would be the reporting authority, Secretary, Commissioner, Kurukshetra would be the reviewing authority and Governor would be accepting authority. For Chief Executive Officer, Shivalik Development agency, Ambala, Deputy Commissioner, Ambala would be the reporting authority, Financial Commissioner, Revenue would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be accepting authority. For Chief Executive Officers of Shri Mata Mansa Devi Shrine Board/Shri Mata Shitla Devi Shrine Board, Gurgaon, Head of the Department would be the reporting authority, Administrative Secretary would be the reviewing authority and Chief Minister would be accepting authority.

In case of officers holding the charge of the posts of Additional Deputy Commissioner/Sub Divisional Officer (Civil)/City Magistrates/General Manager, Haryana Roadways, either main or additional charge, their ACRs will be got recorded of the post of Additional Deputy Commissioner/Sub Divisional Officer (Civil)/City Magistrates/General Manager, Haryana Roadways held by them.


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