Glow your confidence at workplace


– Gunjan Gaur –

hote-Gunjan-Gaur,Gunjan-GauWe all are growing everyday and we build our confidence in the workplace gradually with time. At times, there are situations when a person feels let down either with the lack of knowledge in a particular subject, not able to face criticism or not able to make decisions when required. There are several reasons to lose a confidence and hence most girls in workplace losses too due to lack of not wearing proper makeup that suits their work environment. Some days just clean hair and comfortable clothes will make them confident about themselves.
Some days it will take a lot more and that depends on mood, attitude, and thoughts. Women do feel confident by wearing makeup since it hides all their skin flaws and enhances their features. In other words, wearing makeup at workplace brings the confidence in women. They walk confidently and appreciate their beauty in their own style. It’s possible to grow in confidence at work, but women should have to be ready to apply these daily habits to avoiding any inferiority complex about them.
Pamper yourself
Beauty has a lot to do with care. Always pamper yourself and doing the things that make you happy. Moisturize your skin and maintain the healthy glowing skin with subtle makeup while leaving for office.

Be gentle with make up
You should wear make- up, especially it makes you feel more confident and beautiful throughout the day at your workplace, but don’t overdo it. The purpose of makeup is to make you look prettier without being too visible. The ladies should wear natural shades and be sure to have a smart look as too much of it on face acts adversely and will tarnish your image.

Choose wisely
Another important thing is to find things and looks that work best for you. Everyone cannot look pretty with smoky eyes or red lipstick. Enjoy experimenting and exploring, but make sure you don’t exaggerate otherwise you will end up a fool at the workplace.

Enhance your own natural beauty
It helps you to project your own sense of yourself. When the makeup is done tastefully and skillfully along with wardrobe, hair, and nails it reveals the attention to detail, competence, sense and pride.

It can be temporary confidence boosters, inspire women to be more confident. The women with scented body spray and natural makeup simply act more boldly and thus appeared more visually attractive.

Work on outer glow
Nothing radiates health and confidence like HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank”glowing skin. Spending extra time on your skin during the hectic holidays is a great way to nurture your feminine spirit and relax.

Therefore, one should free oneself from the shackles of culture’s restrictive view of how women “should” look at their workplace. The environment influence women into feeling like they have to wear makeup. There are pressures to look certain ways in various situations, and women often vary their beauty routine to match the situations they will be in during each specific day.

Many women associate their physical appearance with their overall confidence and self esteem. When wearing makeup, women are able to cover up imperfections and highlight certain points in their face, which makes them feel more confident. Pursuing a lifestyle which makes you comfortable is of extreme importance to look confident at the workplace so, wear a makeup to enhance your features and walk confidently because every woman is beautiful in her own way.


Gunjan-Gaur,-Gunjan-Gaur-hoAbout the author

Gunjan Gaur

Permanent Makeup Expert & Executive Director of ALPS Beauty Group


Disclaimer : The views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely his  own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC NEWS.


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