European Union may impose additional duty on goods imported from India

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european union flag

The Government of India has imposed customs duty on mobile phones and other electronic products. The European Union is opposing it. The European Union alleges that India is not following the agreement made with the World Trade Organization in the matter of customs duty on electronic goods.

In such a situation, the European Union can impose additional duty on goods imported from India.

The second apex decision-making body of the World Trade Organization, the Dispute Resolution Body, in its decision on April 17, said that India’s imposition of duties on information and communication technology products violated the Information Technology Agreement. India has signed the Information Technology Agreement. But now India is not accepting the agreement.

The Government of India is going to appeal against the decision given on 17th April in the highest adjudicating body. This organization is not working now. America has banned the appointment of judges. Due to which the tension between the European Union and India is continuously increasing. This can affect the import and export business.


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