Education Department Already Investigates Recruitment Of 849 Pti Teachers : Sikander Singh Maluka


Education Minister Punjab Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka has clarified the news published in a section of press regarding the recruitment of 849 PTI teachers.  The minister said that at the time of recruitment of these teachers. Neelam Bhagat Ex -Director SCERT was the chairperson of the selection committee not the Dr. Kamal Kumar Garg the present D P I (Sr. Sec) in education department. It was brought to the notice of the department by some candidates that the selection of some candidate was wrong as per the revised result. The minister said that immediately tow senior officers were appointed to inquire and investigate the entire matter regarding the selection of these PTI teachers and investigation in progress.  in compliance to the order of Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court the result of 849 posts of PTI teachers advertised by the Education department Punjab was revised by then chair person Smt. Neelam Bhagat, Ex-Director SCERT. Minister further said that the department had also issued directions to the all district Education officer to not confirm the services of these teachers without approval of the higher authority.


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