Dadi-Nani’s Tales in Class Rooms

Art of Story telling plays an important role to connect children with the entire world. In the ancient times story telling was the basic foundation to educate children, wherein teachers used to give examples from the tales to make children understand lessons easily. Moreover tales and stories were narrated by the elders of the houses, which helped children to memorize things permanently. Keeping in account the same, the school education department has given directives to the District Education Officers to include story telling art in the education process of class 1 and 2.

Several suggestions were given by the Union Government to the state governments under the “Padhe Bharat-Badhe Bharat” programme to strengthen knowledge among the children. In compliance to this, art of story telling is included in the course. Directives have been issued by the Commissioner State Education Center in this regard. The District Education Officers has been told to incorporate the art of story telling in the activities of Balsabha beside classroom studies. It is mandatory for the teacher to narrate story before the beginning of regular class in the government schools. Also, children should be encouraged to tell stories. The District Education Officers have also been told to invite parents or the senior citizens through Principals of the schools to narrate stories in local language in the weekly Balsabha. Furthermore, story telling competitions should be hold at school level and to ensure participation of children in large numbers.



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