China’s deadly plan for America – China is inviting American youth and brainwashing them

America and china
America and china

Beijing : Chinese President Xi Jinping’s new plan against America has been revealed. Jinping: As part of preparations to make American youth agents of CCP, they are being called to China and brainwashed. About five American student groups completed trips to Beijing in January as part of the secret plan, which marks the beginning of Chinese leader Jinping’s plan to invite 50,000 young Americans to China for exchange and study programs over the next five years. Jinping had announced this youth friendship plan during his visit to San Francisco last year, stressing the importance of enhancing China-US relations.

Scholars in the US are expressing concern that these exchange programs are serving a more sinister purpose, effectively turning American youth into unwitting agents of the CCCP. As outlined in a commentary article by Janet Tong, research fellow at China’s Citizen Power Initiatives, and Evan Osborn, an economist who teaches at Wright State University, the itinerary of these trips includes regular exposure to ancient Chinese culture and cuisine, visits to modern .

Reportedly through conversations with host Chinese students, American participants became increasingly engaged and were also encouraged to download the controversial Chinese social media app, WeChat, according to the report.

US scholars fear that the CCP’s ultimate goal is to create a generation of supporters who are ideologically aligned with Jinping’s vision for global dominance. He warns that these programs are aimed at instilling the red gene in innocent American youth, turning them into unwitting tools for the CCP’s authoritarian model.

The report notes that this strategy uses both financial incentives and sexual inducements to cultivate new agents for the CCP within African countries. Currently, Xi’s plan to have 50,000 American youth experience China within five years The plan aims to identify and develop CCP agents in America, starting with the youth.

He urged the American people to be extremely cautious about this and not let the CCP’s deception blindfold their children and poison their hearts. He said that the CCP is bringing many young students from African countries to China. Is investing heavily in. These individuals are provided generous living allowances.


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