Cases Of Weaker Section Of Society Be Disposed Off On Priority : Chief Justice

Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court Mr.Sanjay Kishan Kaul held a video conference with all 18 districts & Session courts of Punjab and Chandigarh District Court. All Session Judges, Additional Session Judges, Civil Judges (Senior Division), Chief Judicial Magistrates and other senior officers participated in the video conference. Justice Kaul asked the courts to be proactive for speedy and time bound clearance of all pending cases. He asked the legal luminaries to sensitize the public for availing the services of Lok Adalts for getting quick and timely justice. justice kaul call upon the judges to clear all the cases based on the domestic violence & atrocities on the women on priority bases beside the cases related to children, senior citizen and differently abled also be dispose off on priority. He said that most of the cases could be disposed off by mutual consent of both the parties thus relieving the courts from the burden of pending cases. Justice kaul said that a seminar was recently organized in Chandigarh to highlight the importance of mediation to solve the cases with mutual consent of both parties. He said that at most of the places dedicated centers are being operated where cases are disposed off with mediation. He said that the ambit of this practice would be enhanced in future. Justice kaul also asked the district judges to list out the problems being faced by them. He assured them to redress all the problems in near future.


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