Capt amarinder reviews situation with top brass of army



Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has appealed to the people in the border areas to be wary against rumour mongering in the prevailing volatile situation, which he reviewed this evening here with top officials of the Army, the Border Security Force (BSF), the ITBP and the Punjab Police.

The Chief Minister, who had to delay his departure from Chandigarh due to inclement weather followed by air space restrictions, said the situation was under control and the armed and paramilitary forces, along with the police and district administrations, were aggressively countering all rumours.

Captain Amarinder Singh said he would go around the border areas in the districts of Amritsar, Tarn Taran, Pathankot, Faridkot and Ferozepur over the next two days to instill confidence among the people. He asked the police and security forces to sensitize the people about the situation, in wake of the Indian Air Force (IAF) air strikes on militant hideouts across the Line of Control (LoC) following the Pulwama attack on a CRPF convoy in Kashmir.

Captain Amarinder Singh extended all possible help from the state to the Army to tackle the situation and ensure that the border areas remain stable and secure amid the rising tensions between India and Pakistan. The state, he said, was fully prepared to deal with any eventuality amid the escalating tensions at the LoC.

The officials briefed the Chief Minister about the security measures undertaken at all the sensitive installations, including the army bases and the airports, in the region. Adequate steps had also been taken to prepare the civil hospitals to handle any situation, which might arise in the current circumstances.

Captain Amarinder Singh said later the armed and paramilitary forces had taken sufficient measures to ensure the state’s preparedness and the safety of its people.

Among those who attended the meeting were Maj Gen R K Singh, Sunil Mohan (DIG BSF), Sq Leader Rahul Naik and Achal Sharma (Commandant ITBP).

Earlier, before leaving Chandigarh, the Chief Minister chaired a high-level meeting of the police and civil administration of the state to take stock of the situation and discuss steps to maintain peace and law & order in the state.


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