Benefits of tying a black thread in Hindu religion

Nowadays, the trend of tying black thread on the feet has increased a lot. You must have seen many women, young men and women tying a thin black string or thread on their feet or hands. However, some people tie it on their feet for fashion and hobby without any knowledge, but do you know that tying black thread on the feet is not considered right? If you do not know that according to Hindu religion, in which part of the body it is right to tie black thread, then know here.

Should black thread be tied on the feet?

Nowadays most of the people are seen tying black thread on their feet. It is not right to do so. Many people tie black thread on their feet, this should be avoided. According to Sanatan Dharma, black thread is called Raksha Sutra. In such a situation, tying Raksha Sutra on the feet is inauspicious. This increases negative energy instead of reducing it. Tying black thread on the feet worsens the position of Saturn. Whenever you tie black thread around your neck, do not wear it empty. Also avoid doing this. Wear it only after putting any kind of silver or gemstone locket in it.

On which part of the body should we tie the black thread?

To protect from evil eye, we often make our small children and new brides wear black thread around their neck. Astrologer Dr. Gaurav Kumar Dixit says that wearing this thread around the waist is considered the best. Lord Krishna also used to wear a black thread around the waist. Tying a black thread around the waist keeps the health good. The risk of diseases reduces. Especially, the risk of bone disease can be reduced. The spine also becomes strong. Those who have weak Saturn in their horoscope should tie a black thread around their waist. If Saturn becomes strong in the horoscope, then such people progress a lot in their life. If you want to wear a black thread around the waist, left hand or neck, then take this thread to any Shani temple and wear it only after touching it to the idol of Shani Dev. You can also touch this thread to the idol of Bhairav ​​Baba or Hanuman ji. During this, tie the black thread while chanting their mantras. Such a thread can provide very miraculous benefits. Shani Dev’s blessings always remain on you. Not only this, if you are wearing a red thread or mauli in your hands, then never tie a black thread with it.

Benefits of tying a black thread

– Women should tie a black thread in the left hand and men in the right hand.

– When you tie a black thread, it protects you from evil eye.

– It is worn to protect against negative forces.

– The black thread absorbs the negative energy that enters the body.

– Wearing a black thread fulfills wishes.

– Tying it around the waist does not cause any problem in the spine.

When to remove the black thread

You can keep wearing it until it gets damaged and breaks on its own. Do not try to open it yourself. If it breaks or opens, keep it near a Peepal tree. You can tie a new thread again. Any person can wear a black thread. ( PLC & GT )


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