Sanjay Pahwa,


Chandigarh ,

 Punjab Chief Minister Mr Parkash Singh Badal today expressed profound grief and sorrow over the sad demise of Delhi gang rape victim, who breathed here last at a private hospital in Singapore this morning.In a condolence message, the Chief Minister said that it was very unfortunate that the hapless girl became another victim of this heinous crime against humanity especially the women. He urged the Central Government to immediately initiate steps to make amendments in the existing provision of law for awarding harsher punishment to the accused involved in such dastardly acts. Mr Badal said, “Such offenders does not deserve leniency and they should be dealt with as per the law of land by meting out the severest of the severe punishment to them so that it could act as a deterrent for others too.”Pleading for exemplary punishment for the culprits involved in this beastly act, the Chief Minister asked the Government of India (GoI) to ensure that the accused must be brought to book at the earliest by conducting a speedy trial in Special Fast Track court so that the justice could be dispensed to the victim’s family, friends and her well wishers. Reiterating his stand to ensure modesty and dignity of women, he also appealed the Center for bringing legislation to effectively combat crime against women in general and especially eve teasing in the ensuing budget session.    Sharing his heartfelt sympathies with the bereaved family in this hour of grief, Mr Badal prayed to the Almighty to grant eternal peace to the departed soul and give strength to bear this irreplaceable loss to the inconsolable family


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