Know which person is lucky
In Palmistry, not only the lines but also the marks made on the palm are considered. Some signs are such that they are made in the palm of very few people, but in whose palm they are, they make them rich.
Such a person is knowledgeable in tantra-mantra
According to palmistry, the person who has the mark of a conch shell on Mount Shani (below the middle finger), such a person is a great scholar, Jyotishacharya or knower of Tantra-Mantra and Vedas. The fame of his name remains till the country and abroad. These people die when they get what they want. Big people are his followers.
These people are smart businessmen
People who have conch shell mark on Mount of Mercury (below little finger), such people are smart businessmen. They earn money not only from the country but also from abroad. Such a person gets all material comforts, enjoyment, opulence, female happiness etc. He also travels to distant countries continuously.
Such a person is a skilled politician
According to palmistry, a person who has the mark of a conch shell on the Mount of Sun (below the ring finger) either achieves a high position in the administrative services or holds a high position in national politics. There is no dearth of wealth with these people. Thousands of people get ready to do anything on their advice. They are in awe of them even abroad.
such a person is lucky
According to palmistry, a person who has a conch shell in the middle of his palm is very lucky. Such a person lives in luxury throughout his life. He gets respect in the society. Such a person is either a big politician or holds a high position in the field of law. Many people are subordinate to them, that is, they work under their hands. PLC/GT