Art of Selecting High-Quality Ruby Gemstone: Precautions to Take


New Delhi : Discover important precautions to consider before wearing a Ruby gemstone. Ensure that your Ruby is free from defects to experience its positive effects fully. In astrology, the Ruby gemstone is regarded as a representation of the Sun. It is believed that individuals whose horoscopes show favorable influences of the Sun can benefit from wearing a Ruby gemstone. This gemstone is thought to alleviate the negative impact of the Sun, granting the wearer respect and a higher social standing. However, it’s crucial to note that a defective Ruby can bring more harm than good. Therefore, it is imperative to take specific precautions before wearing this precious gem.

Here are the essential precautions to keep in mind:

1. Beware of Horizontal Lines or Web-Like Appearance: According to gem astrology, a Ruby with horizontal lines or a web-like appearance is considered inauspicious. Wearing such a Ruby is believed to negatively affect family life.

2. Exercise Caution with Multiple Colors: If a Ruby displays more than two colors, it is considered unfavorable. Such a multi-colored Ruby is believed to invite various problems into the wearer’s life. It is advisable to choose Rubies with a single, vibrant hue.

3. Ensure Your Ruby Shines: It is said that a Ruby should possess a natural shine to yield positive results. A Ruby that lacks this shine is believed to bring adverse effects. Always inspect the gemstone’s shine and avoid wearing Rubies that appear dull or lackluster.

4. Avoid Rubies Resembling Smoke or Being Dirty: Rubies that have a smoky appearance or appear dirty are also considered inauspicious and harmful. Before purchasing a Ruby, carefully examine its clarity and ensure it does not resemble smoke or have visible impurities.

By following these precautions, you can ensure that the Ruby gemstone you choose is of high quality and aligns with the positive attributes associated with it in astrology. This way, you can harness the full potential of this precious gem while safeguarding yourself from any potential adverse effects.

These precautions serve as a valuable guide for those considering the use of Ruby gemstones, enabling them to make informed decisions and experience the intended benefits while avoiding any pitfalls.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as expert  advice.


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