Aizawl Gets Ready To Host The Mizoram Talent Hunt 2018


New Delhi,
The youth of Mizoram is getting ready to perform at the biggest platform of showcasing talent in the state, the Mizoram Talent Hunt 2018. A youth-oriented endeavourby the Government of Mizoram and its state partners Innovations India, the Mizoram Talent Hunt is a brilliant step to showcase and highlight the talent of the young Mizos to the world.

The Mizos are fun loving and happy race of people, who are extremely talented as far as music and dance is concerned. The MTH would be a unique but effective platform to connect the vibrant, capable, deft and talented youth of Mizoram with the rest of the world. The event is essentially aimed at instilling the required confidence in the young generation of Mizoram and to make them ready to meet the socio-economic demands of today’s ever-growing world.

The youth of India have great creative energy and positive potential to take the country to greater heights. And Mizoram today, being at its youngest best has unlimited potential for growth in almost every sector with the collective consciousness and awareness of its people, especially young people.

The Mizoram Talent Hunt, thetwo-dayevent focusing on the young generation of Mizoram would be held at the state-of-the-art Electric Veng Auditorium in Aizawl on 22nd& 23rd June 2018 and is sure to become a great networking stage to connect the youth of Mizoram with the organizations who have “Youth” as their Target Audience, rather than being just another music and dance show.

A number of multinational corporate organisations who are ready to start their businesses in Mizoram and contribute in the overall development of the state have come forward and expressed their solidarity with this youth-oriented initiative by the Government. The Mizoram Talent Hunt is being organised in association with Sungevity Enterprises, Hospitality Doctor, Cloudsteer Technology, RED FM & Zonet TV.

Announcing the event, the Honourable Chief Minister of Mizoram, Sh. Lal Thanhawla said, “Asia is the new centre of action of the world with India being one of the main players. Policies like “Look East” and “Act East” have sure become one of the most important scripts in the saga of economic growth today and the Youth of Mizoram, who represent the most vibrant and capable section of the society is very much part and parcel of this new narrative and has a key role to play in this new era of collaboration. I am sure that endeavours like Mizoram Talent Hunt are sure to bring in the right kind of energy into the youngsters and would empower them to achieve success for themselves and for the state”

The mega event would be judged by icons of Mizoram namely Ms. Rody H. Vanlalhriatpuii – Miss Mizoram 2017 and one of the most popular public figures of Mizoram, Mr. Henry Varte – The most sought after fashion designer of Mizoram who is a youth icon of the state and the famous singer Ms. Feli Thangluah, who with her soulful music has won over the hearts of Mizos like nobody else in the Mizo Music world.

“India is today a nation on the move. In every field of activity – be it business, industry, trade, education or culture – we are marching forward vigorously led by the ideas, enterprise and energy of our predominantly young population. An emerging India offers enormous opportunities for the youth of our country, including Mizoram. The youth of Mizoram is ready to join hands with the rest of the country in forging the future of the nation in every field. Mizoram Talent Hunt would be a landmark event that would highlight the talent of the deft Mizos and catapult them into national limelight”, said Captain Rahul Bali, Managing Director Innovations India and state partner of Mizoram.


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