Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research BilL 2010’ Introduced in Lok Sabha




The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India today introduced the “Academy of Scientific And Innovative Research Bill 2010” in the Lok Sabha with the purpose to establish Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research, as an institution of national importance with powers to award degrees.

On 17th June 2010, the Cabinet had approved the proposal for setting up the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) as an institution for imparting instruction and awarding degrees in frontier areas of science and technology. The Government has also approved that an interim Academy be established even before the enactment of the comprehensive legislation for setting up the Academy so as to initiate its academic session by August-September 2010.

It is proposed to set-up the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) for substantially increasing the number of researchers in integrative and interdisciplinary areas of science and engineering in a cost-effective manner without requirement of any significant gestation period and additional funds from the Government. The Academy would offer a one-stop solution to meet the above requirement in higher education by leveraging the strengths of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) comprising around 4500 scientists in diverse branches of science and engineering and utilizing its research and development infrastructure.




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