In an era where the offbeat and reality based cinema is making a mark, Arun Pathakh brings his story “Shoshan The Torture” based on the Ghats of Benaras’s Shiv Nagri. How a child’s childhood gets wasted, how a child is exploited, how a poverty stricken child like Arun Pathak fights the odds throughout his life to reach the present day heights, is the story of the film “Shoshan The Torture”.
To fulfill his righteous demands Arun even put his life at stake. Arun in the past has raised his voice against the films “Girlfriend” and “Water” owing to its anti-cultural concept and dialogues. But today he has picked up the film as a medium to reach his life story to the million viewers, why? “In my film I will be showing why I stood up against such movies.”
The film based on his real life will have Arun as the lead actor.