‘Click a Smile’ the Photography Quest by Akshaya Patra


Akshaya Patra Click-A-Smile Contest Images,INVC,

Smiles beget more smiles. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is announcing its annual ‘Click-a-Smile’ contest for photographers, in celebration of a child’s smile.
TAPF has been dedicated to the well-being and education of children more than a decade. The Foundation wants to increase awareness about children’s education in India through its “Click-a-Smile” contest.Akshaya Patra Click-A-Smile Contest Images.1
The contest, which is open to all photographers in India, will run through 14th Dec 2013. The winner of the contest will win a trophy and a surprise package.
A panel of judges will also choose the best 25 photographs, to be displayed in an exclusive exhibition by The Akshaya Patra Foundation.
Participants can shoot on the streets, at the playgrounds, in schools or the neighbourhood yards.


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