Cyber Commando Force Launched in India to Combat Cybercrime and Digital Fraud

Cyber Crime

” India has launched a specialized Cyber Commando Force to fight cybercrime nationwide. Trained by IIT, this force will handle major cyber fraud cases and protect government websites “

To stop the increasing cyber crimes, a cyber commando force has been formed on the lines of the commando force formed to arrest terrorists and Naxalites. It will work in every state. The people of the force have been given proper training from IIT. It will investigate major cyber crimes. A force will also start working in the state soon.

Cyber ​​crime is becoming a big challenge for the police. The central government is continuously working to deal with it. Recently, in a meeting chaired by the Home Minister in Delhi, many new provisions were made to deal with cyber crimes. Information was given about the National Cyber ​​Helpline, in which it was told that 68 thousand calls are received daily on the helpline number 1930 and 6 thousand complaints are registered every day. In these, people have been cheated of Rs 2 thousand 900 crore. This force has also been formed in the state, which will start working soon. This force will investigate government websites and major cyber crimes.

Apart from this, a war room of all the states has been set up in Delhi to prevent cyber crimes, in which a representative from every state will sit, so that information can be shared in case of cyber crime. Apart from this, data of bank accounts and SIM cards of 45 lakh cyber criminals has been prepared, so that if there is fraud in any state, the bank accounts of the fraudster can be blocked immediately and people can be saved from becoming victims of fraud. Apart from this, 335 banks have also been added, while it has also been amended that now the police can also ask for account information, CCTV footage and mobile number from the banks in case of cyber fraud. ( PLC & GT )


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