PM Modi on Russian Magazine Cover: Celebrating Diplomatic Success and Strong India-Russia Ties

Narendra Modi
Narendra Modi

“Prime Minister Narendra Modi is featured on the cover of a Russian magazine, celebrating his diplomatic achievements and strong ties with Russia. The article praises Modi’s resistance to Western pressure and his strategic partnerships.”

Moscow : PM Modi’s picture was seen on the cover of a Russian magazine. It was discussed a lot in the Eastterm Economic Forum held in Vladivostok. The magazine showed PM Modi’s life journey and named the magazine’s edition after him. It told how Narendra Modi started his journey from Gujarat and then he became the Prime Minister of the country. In the article titled PM Modi’s unique path and nationalism and progress, Modi has been praised a lot for refusing to bow down to Western pressure. In the article, Prime Minister Modi has been described as Gujarati Tiger and friend of Russia. PM Modi has been praised a lot in it.

It has been told that in this multipolar and multilateral world, he refused to bow down to Western pressure. That is why the magazine has given him space on its cover page. In this, many similarities have been shown between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin. It has been told that both call their countries original civilizations. Which have the right to a special path for development. Both criticize the West and advocate a multipolar world. They also support the protection of globalisation. Both politicians are right-wing liberal conservatives who use the tools of market power to turn their people back to traditional values.

The magazine’s article said that Modi, like Putin, is not afraid to strengthen India’s ties with Washington’s opponents, be it Iran or Myanmar. Apart from this, the excellent rapport shared between the two leaders has been highlighted. The article said that Modi has visited Russia six times since 2014. During this period, he has spoken to Putin 22 times. The article described Modi’s Moscow visit as a complete and unconditional diplomatic victory for Putin, as it was a slap in the face of NATO allies who claim to have succeeded in isolating Russia.

The cover story expressed hope about the continued strengthening of the Russia-India defense partnership and said that India is very happy with the way things are progressing with the joint development of the BrahMos missile.


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