PM Modi’s moscow visit: Russian cultural group gives welcome performance

PM Modi Moscow visit, India-Russia cultural exchange
PM Modi Moscow visit, India-Russia cultural exchange

Moscow : Welcoming PM Modi – In a significant gesture underscoring the enduring ties between India and Russia, a Russian cultural troupe presented a special program to welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to Moscow. This event, held in conjunction with the 22nd India-Russia Annual Summit, aimed to celebrate the cultural affinities that bind the two nations.

The Cultural Presentation

The Russian cultural ensemble captivated the audience with a vibrant showcase of Indian art and music. Against the backdrop of diplomatic discussions, the performance served as a reminder of the deep-rooted cultural connections that have flourished over decades. Artists enthralled the gathering with traditional Indian songs and dances, reflecting the richness and diversity of Indian cultural heritage.

Prime Minister Modi’s Interaction

Prime Minister Modi, deeply moved by the cultural tribute, engaged with the artists in a candid conversation. He inquired about their journey in the field of performing arts, learning that some had dedicated over three decades to perfecting their craft. The exchange highlighted Modi’s appreciation for the arts as a unifying force that transcends borders.

Strengthening Bilateral Relations

Addressing the gathering, Prime Minister Modi emphasized the pivotal role of cultural diplomacy in strengthening bilateral relations. He underscored the contributions of the Indian diaspora in Russia, acknowledging their efforts in enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation between the two countries.

Memorable Moments

During the event, reminiscences surfaced of Modi’s earlier visits to Russia, including his poignant visit to the ISKCON temple in Moscow in 2001. At that time, Modi, then Chief Minister of Gujarat, had sought solace in the spiritual ambience of the temple, reflecting on the enduring spiritual ties between India and Russia.

The Role of Indian Community

Leaders from the Indian community in Moscow, including Sadhu Priya Das of ISKCON Moscow and Swami Atmalokananda of Ramakrishna Mission, expressed their gratitude for Modi’s steadfast commitment to bolstering India’s global stature. They highlighted the pivotal role played by the Indian diaspora in promoting cultural exchanges and fostering people-to-people contacts.

Looking Ahead

As India and Russia navigate complex geopolitical landscapes, initiatives like the cultural program underscore the importance of nurturing cultural ties alongside strategic partnerships. The event served as a testament to the shared values of democracy, multiculturalism, and mutual respect that bind the two nations together


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