Record Khadim-ul-Hujaj to Assist 7500 Madhya Pradesh Pilgrims for Haj 2024


In an unprecedented move, the Madhya Pradesh State Haj Committee is sending a record number of 26 Khadim-ul-Hujaj (volunteers) to assist the Haj pilgrims from the state. This year, approximately 7500 pilgrims from Madhya Pradesh will embark on the sacred journey to Saudi Arabia for Haj 2024. The deployment of such a large contingent of volunteers is aimed at ensuring that the pilgrims receive comprehensive support throughout their pilgrimage.

Largest Contingent of Khadim-ul-Hujaj

For the first time, the number of Khadim-ul-Hujaj has reached its highest, with 26 dedicated volunteers being dispatched. These volunteers play a crucial role in guiding the pilgrims, providing assistance in emergencies, and ensuring that all necessary facilities are available. The selection process for Khadim-ul-Hujaj is stringent, with government employees under the age of 50 being chosen to serve in this noble capacity. This initiative underscores the commitment of the Madhya Pradesh State Haj Committee to the welfare and support of its pilgrims.

Comprehensive Support and Coordination

Key Responsibilities of Khadim-ul-Hujaj

The Khadim-ul-Hujaj are entrusted with multiple responsibilities to ensure a smooth and hassle-free pilgrimage experience. Their duties include:

  • Guidance and Assistance: Helping pilgrims navigate the various stages of the Haj journey.
  • Emergency Response: Providing immediate support and solutions during unforeseen situations.
  • Facilities Management: Overseeing the availability and maintenance of essential facilities.

Coordination and In-Charge Officers

To streamline the operations, the State Haj Committee has appointed Fazil Kaif and Mohammad Abrar Khan as the in-charge officers responsible for the smooth execution of Haj arrangements. Additionally, four Khadim-ul-Hujaj have been designated as coordinators. These coordinators will be in charge of addressing the concerns of the Haj pilgrims and submitting detailed reports on their activities. They will ensure that the directives issued by the relevant authorities are followed meticulously.

Utilizing Technology for Efficient Communication

Mobile Numbers and Contact Information

To facilitate seamless communication, the mobile numbers of state officials are being provided to the pilgrims. This measure ensures that pilgrims can easily reach out for assistance or information at any point during their journey. This proactive step is expected to significantly enhance the responsiveness and efficiency of the support system.

24-Hour Call Center and Haj Suvidha App

A 24-hour call center has been established by the office of the Madhya Pradesh State Haj Committee in Bhopal. This call center will serve as a constant point of contact for the pilgrims, addressing their queries and concerns round-the-clock. In addition, the Haj Suvidha App by the Haj Committee of India will be extensively used to streamline communication and service delivery. The app provides real-time updates and a platform for pilgrims to lodge complaints, which will be promptly addressed by the Khadim-ul-Hujaj.

Preparations and Instructions

Pre-Departure Briefings

Before their departure to Saudi Arabia, Khadim-ul-Hujaj will receive comprehensive briefings and training to prepare them for their roles. These sessions will cover the following aspects:

  • Team Formation: Each coordinator will form a team of 5 Khadim-ul-Hujaj to efficiently manage the tasks of Mission Haj-2024.
  • Uniform and Identification: Volunteers will wear a distinctive jacket and cap to ensure they are easily identifiable by the pilgrims.

Continuous Updates and Reporting

Khadim-ul-Hujaj will remain in continuous contact with the 24-hour call center, providing regular updates on their activities and any issues faced by the pilgrims. This real-time reporting mechanism ensures that problems are swiftly resolved, enhancing the overall experience for the pilgrims.

Financial and Logistical Arrangements

Budget Allocation

The Madhya Pradesh State Haj Committee will bear the expenses for this extensive support system from its annual budget. This allocation covers the travel, accommodation, and other logistical needs of the Khadim-ul-Hujaj. By investing in such comprehensive arrangements, the committee aims to uphold the highest standards of care and support for its pilgrims.

Additional Support Structures

In addition to the on-ground volunteers, the committee has put in place several other support structures. These include:

  • Emergency Response Teams: Ready to handle any medical or logistical emergencies that may arise.
  • Information Centers: Located at strategic points to provide guidance and assistance.
  • Cultural and Religious Guidance: Ensuring that pilgrims are well-informed about the rituals and significance of the Haj.

The initiative by the Madhya Pradesh State Haj Committee to send the largest ever contingent of Khadim-ul-Hujaj reflects a profound commitment to the welfare of its pilgrims. With 26 dedicated volunteers, comprehensive support structures, and advanced communication systems in place, the pilgrims from Madhya Pradesh can embark on their sacred journey with confidence and peace of mind. The meticulous planning and execution of these arrangements underscore the committee’s dedication to providing a safe, comfortable, and spiritually fulfilling Haj experience for all.


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