Rwanda Refugee Bill passed in Britain – Britain’s government will send refugees back to Rwanda

Rishi Sunak
Rishi Sunak

London : The UK Parliament has passed the Rwanda Refugee Bill. Under this bill, the British government will send people coming to Britain illegally to the African country Rwanda. This bill was stuck for the last two years and was also challenged in the court. Finally, after all the troubles, this bill is now going to become law. Britain’s Home Minister James Cleverley said that the Rwanda Bill has been passed by the Parliament and it will become law within a few days.

The Rwanda Refugee Bill was introduced to stop refugees coming to the UK illegally, especially those being sent to Britain in small boats by criminal gangs. Under this bill, the British government will send refugees coming to Britain illegally to the African country Rwanda. These Rwandan refugees will be able to apply for British citizenship. Those whose applications are accepted will be called to Britain and given citizenship. Those whose applications will not be accepted will be able to either apply to settle in Rwanda or seek asylum in a third country.

Under the policy, people coming to Britain illegally were to be deported to Rwanda from January 1, 2022. However, it has not started yet. Now that the law has been passed by the Parliament, it is believed that the first flight to Rwanda will start soon. Under the Rwanda Bill, the UK government has signed a migration treaty with the government of Rwanda.

Under this, the British government has paid 240 million pounds to Rwanda by the end of 2023 and the total payment for five years will be 370 million pounds. According to media reports, Britain will pay 1.5 lakh pounds for each person sent to Rwanda. Currently, the government spends four billion pounds annually on refugees in Britain. The treaty states that an independent monitoring committee will ensure that Rwanda complies with its obligations.

The Rwanda Bill has been passed by the British Parliament, but the government may still have to face legal challenges regarding it. In fact, this bill can be challenged in the European Court because Britain is still a member country of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court had earlier also banned this bill. In such a situation, it is possible that the European Court may take action against it in the future also.


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