CAA Implemented in India: Center Issues Notification

New Delhi : The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) has been formally implemented in India, marking a significant milestone in the nation’s legislative landscape. With the issuance of a notification by the Central Government, the rules outlined in the Citizenship Amendment Act have now come into full effect. This development, announced on Monday evening, underscores the government’s commitment to streamlining the process of granting citizenship to eligible migrants.

Notification and Preparation

The Central Government’s issuance of a notification regarding the Citizenship Amendment Act signals the culmination of extensive preparations undertaken by the Union Home Ministry. A dedicated portal has been established to facilitate the application process, providing a seamless avenue for individuals belonging to non-Muslim migrant communities to apply for Indian citizenship.

Legislative Progression

The journey towards the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act has been marked by significant legislative milestones. Recently, the Union Home Ministry received an extension from the Parliamentary Committee on Subordinate Legislation in the Lok Sabha to formulate the rules governing the Act. This extension, the seventh of its kind, underscores the meticulous approach taken by the government to ensure the smooth execution of the CAA.

Simplified Citizenship Acquisition

Under the provisions outlined in the Citizenship Amendment Act, the process of obtaining Indian citizenship has been streamlined, particularly for non-Muslim immigrants from neighboring countries. The Act extends its provisions to migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan belonging to six specific communities, namely Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, and Parsis.

Parliamentary Approval

The Citizenship Amendment Bill, which laid the foundation for the subsequent enactment of the Citizenship Amendment Act, received parliamentary approval on December 11, 2019. The expeditious assent granted by the President the following day further underscored the significance attached to this legislation.

Eligibility Criteria

It is imperative to understand the eligibility criteria outlined in the Citizenship Amendment Act for individuals seeking Indian citizenship. The Act applies to migrants who entered India from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh on or before December 31, 2014. To qualify, migrants must provide evidence of their duration of stay in India and substantiate their claim of religious persecution in their countries of origin.

Language and Legal Requirements

Additionally, migrants seeking citizenship under the provisions of the CAA must demonstrate proficiency in languages listed in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution. Furthermore, compliance with the requirements stipulated in the Third Schedule of the Civil Code of 1955 is essential for eligibility.

Application Process

The application process for citizenship under the Citizenship Amendment Act will be conducted through an online portal, the infrastructure for which has already been established. Eligible migrants are encouraged to submit their applications promptly, adhering to the guidelines outlined by the Union Home Ministry.


In conclusion, the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act in India represents a significant step towards providing a pathway to citizenship for eligible migrants from neighboring countries. The streamlined process, coupled with the government’s commitment to facilitating this transition, underscores India’s commitment to humanitarian principles and inclusive citizenship policies.


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