Visit has become a topic of discussion all over the world due to a strange reason. In fact, Chris Hipkins has taken two Air Force aircraft on a tour of China. In one of these aircraft, the Prime Minister and others were on board, while the other aircraft was sent for backup. Now the Prime Minister of New Zealand has come under attack from critics in his own country.
Let us inform that the PM of New Zealand has gone on a tour of China by Boeing 757 aircraft of New Zealand Air Force. These aircraft in the New Zealand Airforce fleet are 30 years old and have almost completed their useful life. These aircraft are to be replaced in 2028-30. This is the reason that technical faults often occur in these planes. While going on a tour to China, there should not be any problem due to technical fault in the aircraft, that is why an aircraft was taken as a backup. However, the PM of New Zealand has come under fire for this decision.
China is New Zealand’s largest export market. Along with Chris Hipkins, top executives of many companies have also visited China so that trade between the two countries can be increased. In such a situation, Chris did not want any disturbance in his important tour, but the opposition parties are criticizing Chris Hipkins for taking two aircraft on a tour of China.
David Semer, leader of New Zealand’s libertarian ACT party, criticized the PM’s decision, saying that an additional aircraft would emit as much carbon dioxide as a Ford Ranger making 606 rounds of New Zealand. Semar said that some people carry extra mobile chargers during travel, but the Prime Minister took the extra along with him on the plane. At the same time, New Zealand’s Air Force is also being mocked because of the old planes. Chris Hipkins is also facing a lot of criticism on social media.
Let us tell you that there have been many incidents in the past of malfunctioning of planes during the state tour. Former PM Jacinda Ardern once had to land on Antarctica due to a fault in the plane. She later returned on an Italian plane. Similarly, once during his tour of America, there was a fault in his plane and he had to return to New Zealand by passenger plane. Due to this, the government of New Zealand had to face a lot of trouble. ( PLC/GT )