Uncovering the Disturbing Reality: Pakistani Intelligence Agency ISI Exploiting Indian Women, Girls, and Minor Children for Terrorism


Srinagar ,Jammu and Kashmir : In recent times, the active terrorist organizations operating in Jammu and Kashmir have taken a sinister turn by involving women, girls, and even minor children in their nefarious activities. This alarming revelation was brought to light by Lieutenant General Amardeep Singh Aujla of the Chinar Corps. Lt. Gen. Aujla disclosed that intelligence agencies and security forces have recently launched swift operations against terrorist sleeper cells, prompting Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the ISI, and the terrorist organizations across the border to exploit vulnerable individuals for spreading terror activities.

The Indian Army, under the leadership of Lt. Gen. Aujla, has already identified several cases where these malicious activities are taking place. It has become evident that individuals situated across the Line of Control (LoC) are actively plotting to disrupt the current situation. In light of this, heightened vigilance by the security forces becomes imperative to thwart the plans of these terrorists.

One notable change in the modus operandi of these terrorists is their reduced reliance on Technical Intelligence (Techint) for their activities. They have consciously avoided the use of modern tools like mobile phones for communication and message exchange, instead opting for traditional means. Recognizing this shift, the Indian Army, in coordination with the government and local administration, has initiated the “Right Path” program to raise awareness among children and women about the dangers of terrorist activities. Encouragingly, this endeavor has yielded positive results, aiding in the prevention and curbing of potential threats.

The Exploitation of Women and Children: A Disturbing Trend

Under the ISI’s manipulative strategies, women, girls, and minor children have become soft targets for perpetrating acts of terror. This reprehensible approach not only highlights the terrorists’ lack of morality but also sheds light on their desperate attempts to capitalize on societal vulnerabilities. Exploiting the innocence and often precarious situations of these individuals, they are coerced into aiding terrorist activities by supplying weapons, transmitting messages, and even engaging in drug trafficking.

By employing women, girls, and minor children, these terrorist organizations hope to exploit the common perception that they pose a lesser threat, thus allowing them to navigate through security checkpoints and surveillance undetected. This tactic not only jeopardizes the lives of these vulnerable individuals but also undermines the efforts of security forces to maintain peace and stability in the region.

Strengthening Security Measures and Counterterrorism Efforts

The revelations about the ISI’s utilization of women, girls, and minor children for spreading terrorism necessitate a robust and multi-faceted approach to counter this growing menace. Security forces are working tirelessly to enhance their intelligence capabilities and devise strategies that can effectively neutralize such threats.

In addition to traditional intelligence methods, it is crucial to leverage technological advancements to stay ahead of the terrorists. Enhancing surveillance mechanisms, implementing advanced security systems, and leveraging artificial intelligence can significantly contribute to early detection and prevention of terrorist activities.

Furthermore, cooperation between intelligence agencies, security forces, and the local population is paramount. Encouraging citizens to report any suspicious activities or individuals can play a pivotal role in dismantling terrorist networks and averting potential attacks. Public awareness campaigns, like the “Right Path” program mentioned earlier, should be expanded to reach a wider audience, educating them about the tactics employed by terrorists and the importance of remaining vigilant.

International Cooperation and Diplomatic Endeavors

The fight against terrorism cannot be confined to national borders alone. Given the cross-border nature of the threat, close cooperation with international partners becomes indispensable. India has been actively engaging with global stakeholders to foster collaboration in intelligence sharing, counterterrorism strategies, and capacity building.

It is imperative to continue diplomatic efforts to isolate and expose the state-sponsored terrorism perpetrated by Pakistan and its intelligence agency, the ISI. By providing irrefutable evidence of their involvement in such activities, India can garner international support to exert diplomatic pressure and ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable.


The exploitation of Indian women, girls, and minor children by the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI and terrorist organizations is a reprehensible tactic that must be condemned and combated vigorously. The Indian Army, security forces, and intelligence agencies are resolute in their commitment to thwart the plans of terrorists and protect the innocent. Through enhanced intelligence capabilities, technological advancements, public awareness programs, and international cooperation, we can build a safer future for our nation.


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