A World of Mangoes : Unraveling the Phenomenon of Haji Kaleem’s Unique Tree

mango man of india Haji Kaleem Ullah Khan
mango man of india Haji Kaleem Ullah Khan


The Mango Tree: A Remarkable Wonder Growing More than 300 Mango Varieties The mangoes of Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, have gained widespread fame throughout North India. However, there exists a hidden gem within this city, a tree so extraordinary that few are aware of its existence. Located a few kilometers away from Lucknow, near the Malihabad intersection, stands the only tree in the world that nurtures over 300 distinctive varieties of mangoes. Each mango boasts a unique color, shape, size, and taste, setting it apart from its counterparts. This incredible tree is the brainchild of Haji Kaleem Ullah Khan, an 83-year-old resident of Malihabad. In 2008, he was honored with the prestigious Padma Shri award by the former President Pratibha Patil for his remarkable achievements.

Unveiling the Mango Man

At the tender age of 17, Haji Kaleem Sahab revolutionized mango cultivation by developing a special plant that nurtured various types of mangoes for nearly a year. His unparalleled expertise and contributions to mango tree cultivation have earned him the epithet of “Mango Man” across the globe. Notably, the mangoes harvested from this unique tree are not sold commercially but are rather distributed among the local community. As the mango season approaches, usually around July, the tree becomes adorned with the luscious fruit, delighting people of all ages.

Haji Kaleem’s Vision

Haji Kaleem Sahab firmly believes that the mango tree embodies a wealth of knowledge and is akin to a comprehensive educational institution. Through diligent study and examination of the mango tree, he asserts that it has the potential to combat severe ailments such as cancer and AIDS. Remarkably, despite having received only a seventh-grade education, Haji Kaleem Sahab’s expertise attracts the attention of prominent scientists who seek his invaluable insights.
Exploring the Vast Variety

1. The Magnificence of Mango Diversity

The mango tree curated by Haji Kaleem Ullah Khan stands as a testament to the incredible diversity within the world of mangoes. With over 300 distinct varieties thriving on this single tree, it showcases nature’s penchant for innovation and adaptation. From the rich hues of golden-yellow to the vibrant shades of red and orange, each mango possesses a captivating color that lures onlookers.

2. A Symphony of Shapes

Beyond their color, mangoes on Haji Kaleem’s tree exhibit an array of enchanting shapes. Some mangoes boast a curvaceous form resembling an hourglass, while others possess an elegant and elongated silhouette. Additionally, a few varieties take on a more rounded shape, evoking a sense of harmony and symmetry.

3. Sizes to Suit All Palates

One of the tree’s most captivating attributes is the sheer variety of sizes that its mangoes present. From petite mangoes that can be cradled in the palm of one’s hand to impressively sizable ones that require two hands to hold, there is a mango suited to satisfy every appetite.

4. A Flavorsome Fiesta

The crown jewel of Haji Kaleem’s mango tree lies in the unparalleled range of flavors it offers. From the sweet and succulent Alphonso mangoes to the tangy and zesty Chaunsa variety, each mango possesses a distinctive taste that leaves taste buds dancing with delight. The harmonious blend of flavors ensures that mango lovers can embark on an extraordinary culinary journey with every bite.
The Widespread Influence

1. A Living Heritage

Haji Kaleem’s mango tree has become a living testament to the rich heritage of mango cultivation in the region. As the sole tree in the world with such an extensive array of mango varieties, it has become an emblem of pride for the people of Malihabad and an attraction for visitors from far and wide. The tree stands as a symbol of the area’s agricultural prowess and serves as a reminder of the expertise and ingenuity of its creator, Haji Kaleem Ullah Khan.

2. Inspiring Future Generations

Haji Kaleem’s remarkable accomplishments have sparked a renewed interest in mango cultivation and the potential for biodiversity. His pioneering work has inspired the younger generation to delve into the world of horticulture and explore innovative methods of plant breeding. By showcasing the immense possibilities within a single tree, Haji Kaleem has kindled a passion for preserving and expanding the diversity of mangoes among aspiring horticulturists.

3. A Center for Research and Development

The mango tree curated by Haji Kaleem has garnered attention not only from mango enthusiasts but also from scientists and researchers worldwide. Its unique characteristics and potential medicinal properties have prompted scientific investigations into the tree’s genetic makeup and the compounds present in its diverse mangoes. This research aims to uncover the secrets behind the flavors, textures, and potential health benefits offered by the various mango varieties growing on the tree.

4. Cultural Significance

In addition to its botanical significance, Haji Kaleem’s mango tree holds immense cultural value for the people of Malihabad. The annual harvest season turns into a vibrant celebration, with locals gathering to partake in the joyous occasion. Festivals, fairs, and mango-themed events are organized, showcasing the cultural heritage and culinary traditions associated with the beloved fruit. The mango tree has become a focal point for community bonding and the preservation of cultural identity.


Haji Kaleem Ullah Khan’s mango tree stands as a testament to the incredible diversity and splendor of mango cultivation. With over 300 varieties growing on a single tree, it captures the imagination and curiosity of all who encounter it. Haji Kaleem’s unwavering dedication and innovative spirit have not only created a living marvel but have also opened new avenues for scientific research and cultural appreciation. As the world marvels at the wonders of this unique mango tree, its legacy continues to inspire future generations to explore the boundless possibilities within nature’s bountiful offerings.


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