Score High on JEE Main 2023: Utilize the Provisional Answer Key to Maximize Your Results

Education in Ireland

If you are one of the many students who have appeared for the JEE Main 2023 exam, you are likely anxiously waiting for the release of the provisional answer key. The provisional answer key is expected to be released by the National Testing Agency (NTA) soon, and it will contain the correct answers to all the questions asked in the exam.

When Will the JEE Main 2023 Provisional Answer Key be Released?

The exact date and time for the release of the JEE Main 2023 Provisional Answer Key are not yet known. However, based on previous years’ trends, we can expect the provisional answer key to be released within a few days of the exam. Once the provisional answer key is released, you will be able to download it from the official website of NTA.

How to Check the JEE Main 2023 Provisional Answer Key?

To check the JEE Main 2023 Provisional Answer Key, you will need to visit the official website of NTA and follow the steps given below:

  1. Visit the official website of NTA at
  2. Click on the link for JEE Main 2023 Provisional Answer Key.
  3. Enter your application number and password to log in.
  4. The provisional answer key will be displayed on the screen.
  5. Download the provisional answer key and take a printout for future reference.

How to Challenge the JEE Main 2023 Provisional Answer Key?

If you find any discrepancies in the JEE Main 2023 Provisional Answer Key, you can challenge it by following the steps given below:

  1. Visit the official website of NTA at
  2. Click on the link for challenging the JEE Main 2023 Provisional Answer Key.
  3. Enter your application number and password to log in.
  4. Select the questions that you want to challenge and submit your reasons for challenging them.
  5. Pay the requisite fee for challenging the answer key.
  6. Submit your challenge and wait for the final answer key to be released.

Final Thoughts

The JEE Main 2023 Provisional Answer Key is a crucial document for all students who have appeared for the exam. By following the steps given above, you can easily check the provisional answer key and challenge it if necessary.


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