FDA has canceled the license to manufacture Johnson’s Baby Powder due to quality lapse


FDA cancels license to manufacture Johnson Baby Powder

The Maharashtra Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has canceled the license to manufacture Johnson’s Baby Powder due to quality lapse. The quality of the powder has turned out to be poor in the examination of its samples. Along with this, a show cause notice has been issued to the firm under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940. At the same time, instructions have also been issued to the company to recall the stock of powder from the market.

According to the statement issued by the FDA, the pH value in the samples was found to be higher than the required level and hence it has not been made of standard quality. The government issued a statement saying that according to the information in the test, the skin powder is not suitable for children. For this reason the license to manufacture it is being revoked. At the same time, the company did not accept the test report of the FDA and challenged it in the court, in which a petition was filed that the samples should be sent to the referral laboratory i.e. Central Drugs Laboratory, Government of India, Kolkata. ,

According to the PTI report, Director CDL, Kolkata also confirmed the report of Maharashtra FDA and issued the final conclusive report stating that the sample does not conform to IS 5339:2004 with respect to the test of pH. According to the media report, the company responded by saying, “Johnson & Johnson stands firmly behind decades of independent scientific analysis by medical experts around the world, which confirm that talc-based Johnson’s baby powder is safe.” It does not contain asbestos and does not cause cancer. PLC/GT


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