AICTE may consider States request for not giving more approvals – AICTE Chairman



Prof. S.S. Mantha, Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) revealed that AICTE is considering the request made by some State Governments for not granting permission for starting new technical institutions.

It is to be mentioned that few state governments have written to AICTE stop permitting more colleges in those states as already thousands of seats are lying vacant in those states.

Prof. Mantha was addressing media after the workshop organized by AICTE on online approval process for 2012-13. Prof. Mantha outlined new proposals for making AICTE move away from regulatory towards facilitative organization. Mrs. Usha R. Sharma, Director Technical Education, Punjab and Sh. S.K. Jena, Regional Officer, AICTE highlighted government policies and procedures.

Dr. Mantha also stated that AICTE is starting a pilot project in 3 states including Himachal, J&K, Assam skill based diploma and certificate courses with multiple entry and exit options. He also answered queries raised by the participants.

On the other hand Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group of Colleges demanded from AICTE that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) should be allowed in educational institutions. He also demanded that educational institutions should either be treated as charitable trust or commercial institutions. On the one hand sometime they were treated as charitable organization but on the other hand while levying taxes State Government treats them as commercial enterprise.

Dr. J.S. Dhaliwal, Dr. R.K. Gupta, Dr. Zora Singh, Dr. Anshu Kataria, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma and around 500 chairmen/directors from many states participated in the programme.


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