MAHASANGAM!! Geet meets Nayan, Watch the 1-hour special episode at 8 pm today


New Delhi ,
Nayan will have a premonition about Geet today! Yes, you read it right, it’s definitely not a typing mistake as Nayan and Geet will be coming together for the first time in a one-hour-long Mahasangam episode on Zee Punjabi, today.

In today’s Mahasangam special, Nayan will have a vision that Geet is in trouble and rushes to her rescue. Both the ladies, Nayan and Geet will fight the goons in a power-packed episode and will emerge as the representation of Goddess Durga, and imply the win of good over evil in this exciting episode.

Will Malhar and Devansh join them to fight the goons? Set your reminder to witness this intriguing drama of Mahasangam Episode which will keep you hooked on Zee Punjabi at 8 pm, today.


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