World Bank aided Central Sector Multi State Rural Poverty Alleviation Project in North East approved



The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved the implementation of the North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP) at an estimated cost of Rs.683.2 crore (US $ 144.4 million) comprising assistance as a soft loan from the World Bank of Rs.614.8 crore (US $ 130 million) and central Government funding of Rs.68.4 crore (US $ 14.4 million) over a period of five years.

The Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region will implement the North East Rural Livelihood Project in Aizwal and Lungei districts of Mizoram, Peren and Tuensang districts of Nagaland, South, West and 15 poorest Panchayat wards of East district of Sikkim and West & North districts of Tripura. The project will cover nearly 3,00,000 households in 1624 villages of 58 blocks falling in the four states.

The objective of the NERLP is to improve rural livelihoods especially that of women, unemployed youth and the most disadvantaged in four North Eastern States.

Four major project components designed to achieve the specific project objectives are social empowerment, economic empowerment, partnership empowerment and project management.


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