How has this pandemic led to a decline in learning among the children? How do educators make up for this loss & deficiency?

– Dr. Mona Lisa Bal –

Dr. Mona Lisa Bal , Chairperson, KiiT International School

The gaps in learning due to the pandemic areof grave nature. The gap in learning outcomes has been acknowledged widely across the world. World Bank data indicates that nearly 22.2 billion students have faced the brunt of the pandemic’s impact on education and that technology cannot replace the role of a teacher and physical classroom learning. Peer learning & response to stimuli are paramount in a child’s growth.


The habit of reading among children was already on the decline because of the distractions presented by the spurt in digital media.The current pandemic has only added to this fading culture further. 


We have noticed that children these days prefer searching for quick information online than checking for thorough information in books. 


Hence, we organize reading camps where children are given books to read and submit a synopsis for the same. The best submission gets a prize. This creates excitement & curiosity amongst kids to read. We also have book clubs & encourage book reviews. Children tend to emulate parents and if parents read, their children will also pick up the habit. 

Thus, we give books even to the parents to read, encouraging them to read with their young kids. Kids learn from what they observe and hence parents should act as the role model for their child and read in front of them. 


To develop a reading habit in kids, it is also essential to create a reading space for them. 
Good reading skills not only benefit students academically, but they also add to lifelong success.


There is a need to introduce remedial bridge courses to students to ensure children do not fall behind. A holistic rigor to make up for the time lost issue is the need of the hour. Few remedial policies are as follows :


1) Handwriting habits have been on a decline due to non-physical classroom learning due to the pandemic especially in the lower age groups. The higher grades have also been impacted equally owing to lesser assessments and rigour. 


2) There is slack in students picking up the handwriting habit once again due to the recent adaptation to online learning & typing for these couple of years. 


3) We did give handwritten assignments to our students regularly and encouraged them to scan and send it from time to time so that their writing habits do not vanish away.

4) Assignments with cursive writing books were given to students to overcome the lag in legitimate handwriting. 


5) Yes, use of slang words, short forms & emojis are indeed a concern. Also, words are mis-spelt on a regular basis. The tone of writing has also reduced to informal. Students need to be shown the distinguishment between digital chatting & formal works of writing going forward.

6) There are many activity books available in bookstores. Parents must invest in such books and make it a mandate for their kids to write proses and present to them. There are many cursive writing books too that can help mend the children’s handwriting.


Disclaimer : The views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely her/ his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC NEWS.


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